”Kill switch” på konserter i Malaysia efter manlig kyss
Samtliga konsertarrangörer i Malaysia måste ha en ”kill switch” som möjliggör att konserter omedelbart avbryts, rapporterar The Guardian.
Den nya riktlinjen infördes efter en kontrovers kring det engelska bandet The 1975. Under en festivalspelning i Kuala Lumpur i somras kritiserade sångaren Matty Healy landets hbtq-lagar och avslutade sitt tal med att kyssa en manlig bandkollega.
Efter kyssen ställdes festivalen in och landets biträdande minister för kommunikation och digitala medier, Teo Nie Ching, hoppas att de nya hårdare reglerna ska uppmuntra utländska artister att ”hålla sig till den lokala kulturen”.
Homosexuallitet är olagligt i Malaysia och det finns inga lagar som skyddar hbtq-människor från hatbrott.
HBTQ-rättigheter i Malaysia
Wikipedia (en)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Malaysia face severe challenges, prejudices and threats not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Sodomy is a crime in the country, with laws strictly enforced. Extrajudicial murders of LGBT people have also occurred in the country. There are no Malaysian laws that protect the LGBT community against discrimination and hate crimes. As such, the LGBT demographic in the country are hard to ascertain due to widespread fears from being ostracised and prosecuted, including violence.
In 2015, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated that "Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is pervasive in Malaysia." Over the years, there have also been cases of violence against individuals in Malaysia based on their sexual orientation, and are tolerated by the state. Conversion therapy is practiced regularly in the country and is openly promoted by politicians and religious leaders. In 2023, the Global Trans Rights Index ranked Malaysia as the second worst country in the world in terms of transgender rights, only after Guyana.With widespread anti-LGBT conversion practices, discrimination, and violence in the country supported by the state, Malaysia is one of the most homophobic countries in the world. Social attitudes towards the LGBT community in the country are largely shaped by Islam, the official state religion of Malaysia, although a significant proportion of Malaysians of other religions such as Christians also holds strong homophobic views. Ever since at least the 19th century, mores of Malaysia strongly disapproves of homosexuality and transitioning, which impacts public policy. As a result, LGBT rights are not pursued by any political parties.
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