Kina anses bättre rustat för handelskrig med Trump
Kina är bättre rustat för ett handelskrig med USA jämfört med 2018, skriver Bloomberg efter Donald Trumps valseger. Republikanen har bland annat hotat med importtullar på så mycket som 60 procent på varor från Kina.
Dock saknas möjlighet att ge tillbaka med samma mynt. Det säger Alicia Garcia Herrero, Natixis chefsekonom för regionen, till nyhetsbyrån.
– Vad Kina kommer att göra är att tillkännage större stimulanser för att hindra att marknaden straffar dem, säger hon.
Bland de övriga verktygen i Kinas verktygslåda i händelse av ett nytt handelskrig finns en omläggning av importen av majs och sojabönor, från USA till Brasilien.
Handelskriget mellan USA och Kina
Wikipedia (en)
An economic conflict between China and the United States has been ongoing since January 2018, when U.S. President Donald Trump began setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China with the goal of forcing it to make changes to what the U.S. says are longstanding unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft. The Trump administration stated that these practices may contribute to the U.S.–China trade deficit, and that the Chinese government requires transfer of American technology to China. In response to US trade measures, the Chinese government accused the Trump administration of engaging in nationalist protectionism and took retaliatory action. After the trade war escalated through 2019, in January 2020 the two sides reached a tense phase one agreement. By the end of the Trump presidency, the trade war was widely characterized as a failure for the United States.
The Joe Biden administration kept the tariffs in place and added additional levies on Chinese goods such as electric vehicles and solar panels. In 2024, the Trump presidential campaign proposed a 60 percent tariff on Chinese goods. The Kamala Harris campaign has backed "targeted and strategic tariffs" on select Chinese imports, such as electric vehicles and solar panels, as part of US industrial policy, while otherwise arguing for free trade.
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