Arkivbild: Versace. (Eugene Hoshiko / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Kolonial t-shirt väcker ilska – Versace ber om ursäkt

Det italienska modehuset Versace kritiseras i Kina för att ha tryckt t-shirts där man skrivit att Kinakontrollerade städerna Hongkong och Macao är länder, skriver Reuters. Båda platserna är gamla europeiska kolonier som återgavs till Kina i slutet av 1990-talet.

Nu ber Versaces konstnärliga chef Donatella Versace om ursäkt.

”Versace upprepar att vi älskar Kina djupt, och bestämt respekterar Kinas territorium och nationella suveränitet”, heter det i ett uttalande.

T-shirten har en text där man listar flera städer och länder som hör ihop såsom ”New York-USA” och ”Peking-Kina”, men det stod även ”Hongkong-Hongkong” och ”Macau-Macau”.

Wikipedia (en)
Gianni Versace S.r.l. (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdʒanni verˈsaːtʃe]) usually referred to simply as Versace, is an Italian luxury fashion company and trade name founded by Gianni Versace in 1978. The main collection of the brand is Versace, which produces upmarket Italian-made ready-to-wear and leather accessories, while other diffusion lines are Versace Collection (mainly in the US), Versus Versace and Versace Jeans. The Versace logo is the head of Medusa, a Greek mythological figure. The logo came from the floor of ruins in the area of Reggio Calabria that the Versace siblings played in as children. Gianni Versace chose Medusa as the logo because she made people fall in love with her and they had no way back. He hoped his company would have the same effect on people. The Versace brand is known for its innovative designs having symbolic flashy prints and bright colors. The company announced in 2018 that it would stop using fur in its collections. On 25 September 2018, Michael Kors acquire all outstanding shares in Gianni Versace S.r.l. for $2.12 billion (USD); the acquisition was completed on December 31, 2018, keeping on Donatella Versace as head of creative design.
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