Kosovos president Thaci anklagad för krigsbrott
Kosovos president Hashim Thaci kommer att åtalas för krigsbrott och brott mot mänskligheten. Det meddelar åklagare som är knuten till en Haag-baserad specialdomstol för krigsbrott begångna i Kosovo.
Brotten ska ha begåtts mellan 1998 och 1999 under Kosovos självständighetskrig mot Serbien. Thaci åtalas tillsammans med nio andra män.
Åklagaren skriver att Thaci och de medåtalade är skyldiga till nästan 100 mord på kosovoalbaner, serber, romer och politiska motståndare.
Hashim Thaçi
Wikipedia (en)
Hashim Thaçi ([haˈʃim ˈθa:tʃi] (listen); born 24 April 1968) is a Kosovar politician who has been the President of Kosovo since April 2016. He was the first Prime Minister of Kosovo and the Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in the new cabinet led by Isa Mustafa, which assumed office on December 12, 2014.
Thaçi is from the region of Drenica in Kosovo, which is where the KLA originated. He studied philosophy in Prishtina before moving to Switzerland, where he joined the Kosovo Liberation Army in 1993. He rose through the ranks of the KLA to become leader of the most powerful faction by 1999, during the Rambouillet negotiations. He then joined the interim Kosovo administration after the war.
Thaçi became leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), which won the largest share of the vote in the year 2007 Kosovo elections. In 2008, Thaçi declared the independence of Kosovo and became its first prime minister. In 2016 he was elected President of Kosovo. Thaçi has pursued a pro-American policy while in office. There have been controversies regarding Thaçi's role in the KLA and allegations about him being involved in organized crime. In 2020, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office filed a ten-count Indictment, charging Hashim Thaçi and others for crimes against humanity and war crimes.
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