Kristen Stewart och Susan Sontag. (TT)

Kristen Stewart spelar Susan Sontag i ny film

Skådespelaren Kristen Stewart ska spela filosofen och författaren Susan Sontag i en ny biografisk film, skriver flera medier.

Filmen baseras på biografin ”Sontag: her life and work” av Ben Moser och är tänkt att börja spelas in på filmfestivalen i Berlin.

Susan Sontag
Wikipedia (en)
Susan Sontag (; January 16, 1933 – December 28, 2004) was an American writer, philosopher, and political activist. She mostly wrote essays, but also published novels; she published her first major work, the essay "Notes on 'Camp' ", in 1964. Her best-known works include the critical works Against Interpretation (1966), Styles of Radical Will (1968), On Photography (1977), and Illness as Metaphor (1978), as well as the fictional works The Way We Live Now (1986), The Volcano Lover (1992), and In America (1999). Sontag was active in writing and speaking about, or travelling to, areas of conflict, including during the Vietnam War and the Siege of Sarajevo. She wrote extensively about photography, culture and media, AIDS and illness, human rights, and leftist ideology. Her essays and speeches drew controversy, and she has been described as "one of the most influential critics of her generation".
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