Kritiserat asylkontrakt ska avslutas med Australien
Papua Nya Guinea har beslutat att avbryta det kontrakt som landet har med Australien för flyktingläger på ön Manus, rapporterar AFP.
Transitboendet på ön har fått kritik, asylsökande där har tidigare stämt Australien för hur de har behandlats och har anklagat Australien för brott mot mänskliga rättigheter.
Myndigheten för immigration i Papua Nya Guinea beskriver beslutet som ”den viktigaste milstolpen” för att få slut på det som sker i Manusprovinsen.
Transitboendet på Manus
Wikipedia (en)
The Manus Regional Processing Centre, or Manus Island Regional Processing Centre (MIRCP), was one of a number of offshore Australian immigration detention facilities. The centre was operated by Broadspectrum (formerly known as Transfield Services) on behalf of the Government of Australia, until Ferrovial bought out the company and its contract in April 2016. The Centre was located on the PNG Navy Base Lombrum (previously a Royal Australian Navy base called HMAS Tarangau) on Los Negros Island in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea.
It was formally closed on 31 October 2017; however hundreds of detainees refused to leave the centre. On 23 November 2017, all remaining men were removed, hundreds by force, to new accommodation on the island. A small number of refugees since been resettled in the United States as part of a refugee swap deal.
Twelve Australians of the Year protested the government's handling of the problem in November 2017. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has cited the centre as an "indictment of a policy meant to avoid Australia's international obligations."As of February 2019, controversy continues about the health, living conditions and future of the remaining men on the island as well as issues relating to the maintenance of the accommodation facilities.
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