Kulturarbetare i protest mot film om Muhammed
Exiliranska konst- och kulturarbetare kritiserar att Majid Majidis film ”Muhammed: The messenger of God” visas på Göteborgs filmfestival. Filmen som delvis finansierats av det iranska styret är ett politiskt verktyg för regimen, skriver de i ett öppet brev enligt DN.
– Det finns ett tydligt budskap i filmen om att rätta sig efter Guds vilja. Om att vara beredd att offra sig. Den tanken är bärande hos både IS och shiitiska fraktioner. Och porträttet av judar är farligt. De skildras som terrorister. Som islams huvudfiende, säger producenten Karim Savalan som undertecknat brevet, till tidningen.
Muhammad: The Messenger of God
Wikipedia (en)
Muhammad: The Messenger of God is a 2015 Iranian Islamic epic film directed by Majid Majidi and co-written with Kambuzia Partovi. The film is set in the sixth century where the story revolves around the childhood of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The film marks the biggest-budget production in Iranian cinema to date. Development of Muhammad: The Messenger of God began in 2007 and Majidi wrote the first draft of the screenplay by 2009. By 2011, a colossal set created in the city of Qom near Tehran was ready for the majority of the film. Several scenes were filmed in South Africa. Throughout the filming process, Majidi worked with a team of historians and archaeologists for the work on accuracy of the early life of Prophet Muhammad. Post-production works began in Munich during late 2013 and were completed in 2014. The cinematography is done by Vittorio Storaro and film score is composed by A. R. Rahman.
The film was set to have its premiere at the Fajr International Film Festival on 1 February 2015 but was pulled out due to technical difficulties. For the critics, film-makers and journalists, a special screening was held at Cinema Farhang in Iran on 12 February 2015. The film was released both in Iran and at Montreal World Film Festival on 27 August 2015. The film was selected as the Iranian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards.

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