Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Lee Hong Leng / AP)

Malaysia vill bli världsledande i lagring av koldioxid

Malaysia vill bli globalt ledande inom en teknik som minskar utsläppen av växthusgaser. Landet klubbar i dag en lag för att gå i rätt riktning, skriver AFP.

Tekniken, som kallas CCUS, gäller avskiljning, användning och lagring av koldioxid. Målet är att eliminera utsläpp som skapas genom förbränning av fossila bränslen för energi och från industriella processer. Koldioxiden fångas upp vid källan och lagras permanent i olika underjordiska miljöer.

Malaysia, som har som mål att uppnå nollutsläpp till 2050, har drivit på för att bli ett regionalt CCUS-nav, i hopp om att industrin ska fungera som en ny källa till ekonomisk tillväxt, skriver Bloomberg.

Lagförslagets bestämmelser om import och permanent lagring av koldioxid i havsområden träder i kraft den 31 mars.

Läs mer om CCUS
Wikipedia (en)
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process by which carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial installations is separated before it is released into the atmosphere, then transported to a long-term storage location.: 2221  The CO2 is captured from a large point source, such as a natural gas processing plant and is typically stored in a deep geological formation. Around 80% of the CO2 captured annually is used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), a process by which CO2 is injected into partially-depleted oil reservoirs in order to extract more oil and then is largely left underground. Since EOR utilizes the CO2 in addition to storing it, CCS is also known as carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Oil and gas companies first used the processes involved in CCS in the mid 20th century. Early CCS technologies were mainly used to purify natural gas and increase oil production. Beginning in the 1980s and accelerating in the 2000s, CCS was discussed as a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Around 70% of announced CCS projects have not materialized, with a failure rate above 98% in the electricity sector. As of 2024 CCS was in operation at 44 plants worldwide, collectively capturing about one-thousandth of global carbon dioxide emissions. 90% of CCS operations involve the oil and gas industry.: 15  Plants with CCS require more energy to operate, thus they typically burn additional fossil fuels and increase the pollution caused by extracting and transporting fuel. CCS could have a critical but limited role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, other emission-reduction options such as solar and wind energy, electrification, and public transit are less expensive than CCS and are much more effective at reducing air pollution. Given its cost and limitations, CCS is envisioned to be most useful in specific niches. These niches include heavy industry and plant retrofits.: 21–24  In the context of deep and sustained cuts in natural gas consumption, CCS can reduce emissions from natural gas processing.: 21–24  In electricity generation and hydrogen production, CCS is envisioned to complement a broader shift to renewable energy.: 21–24  CCS is a component of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, which can under some conditions remove carbon from the atmosphere. The effectiveness of CCS in reducing carbon emissions depends on the plant's capture efficiency, the additional energy used for CCS itself, leakage, and business and technical issues that can keep facilities from operating as designed. Some large CCS implementations have sequestered far less CO2 than originally expected. Controversy remains over whether using captured CO2 to extract more oil ultimately benefits the climate. Many environmental groups regard CCS as an unproven, expensive technology that perpetuates fossil fuel dependence. They believe other ways to reduce emissions are more effective and that CCS is a distraction. Some international climate agreements refer to the concept of fossil fuel abatement, which is not defined in these agreements but is generally understood to mean use of CCS. Almost all CCS projects operating today have benefited from government financial support. Countries with programs to support or mandate CCS technologies include the US, Canada, Denmark, China, and the UK.

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