Linda Kasabian under rätteången i Los Angeles. (David F. Smith / Ap)

Mansonföljaren Kasabian död – vittnade mot sekten

Linda Kasabian, som var medlem i ”Mansonfamiljen”, har dött, 73 år gammal. Det rapporterar flera medier.

Kasabian ingick i den grupp som i augusti 1969 mördade filmstjärnan Sharon Tate, hustru till regissören Roman Polanski och gravid i åttonde månaden, och hennes sällskap. Dagen efter var hon på plats när medlemmar ur Charles Mansons sekt mördade paret Leno och Rosemary LaBianca.

Kasabian utförde inte morden utan hade i uppgift att hålla utkik. Hon beviljades immunitet under rättegången för att vittna mot Manson och hans följare.

Efter morden har Kasabian hållit låg profil. Hon uppges ha bytt namn till ”Chiochios” för att skydda sin identitet.

Manson Family
Wikipedia (en)
The Manson Family (known among its members as the Family) was a commune, gang, and cult led by criminal Charles Manson that was active in California in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The group consisted of approximately 100 followers, who lived an unconventional lifestyle and frequently used psychoactive drugs like Benzedrine (amphetamine) as well as hallucinogens such as LSD. Most were young women from middle-class backgrounds, many of whom were attracted by hippie culture and communal living and then radicalized by Manson's teachings.Manson was born in 1934 and had been institutionalized or incarcerated for more than half of his life by the time he was released from prison in 1967. He began attracting acolytes in the San Francisco area. They gradually moved to a run-down ranch, called the Spahn Ranch in Los Angeles County. The ranch burned down during a Southern California wildfire in September 1970. According to group member Susan Atkins, the members of the Family became convinced that Manson was a manifestation of Jesus Christ and believed in his prophecies concerning an imminent, apocalyptic race war.In 1969, Family members Susan Atkins, Tex Watson, and Patricia Krenwinkel entered the home of Hollywood actress Sharon Tate and murdered her and four others. Linda Kasabian was also present, but did not take part. Members of the Manson Family also committed a number of other murders, assaults, petty crimes, and thefts.

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