Donald och frun Melania Trump under en gala på Mar-a-Lago 2019. (Evan Vucci / AP)

Mar-a-Lago en ”mardröm” för topphemligt material

På sin resortliknande anläggning Mar-a-Lago i Florida arrangerar Donald Trump evenemang där människor kan komma och gå, rapporterar Reuters. När Trump var president kontrollerade Secret Service vilka som släpptes in på anläggningen men den kontrollen upphörde när han lämnade posten.

– Det är en mardrömslik miljö för att hantera säkerhetsklassat material, säger en före detta underrättelsetjänsteman.

Under räden mot Mar-a-Lago hittade FBI elva uppsättningar säkerhetsklassade dokument, vissa av dem topphemliga.

Trump skriver på sociala medier att dokumenten förvarades säkert och att de inte var säkerhetsklassade då han själv hävde klassningen innan han lämnade presidentposten.

Wikipedia (en)
Mar-a-Lago ( from the Spanish for sea to lake) is a resort and national historic landmark in Palm Beach, Florida, built from 1924 to 1927 by breakfast cereal company heiress and socialite Marjorie Merriweather Post. The 126-room, 62,500-square-foot (5,810 m2) mansion since 1994 contains the Mar-a-Lago Club, a members-only club with guest rooms, a spa, and other hotel-style amenities. It is located in Palm Beach County on the Palm Beach barrier island, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east and Florida's Intracoastal Waterway to the west. At the time of her death in 1973, Post bequeathed the property to the National Park Service, hoping it could be used for state visits or as a Winter White House, but because the costs of maintaining the property exceeded the funds provided by Post, and because it was difficult to secure the facility (as it is located in the flight path of Palm Beach Airport), the property was returned to the Post Foundation by an act of Congress in 1981.In 1985, Mar-a-Lago was purchased by Donald Trump for around $10 million. He used the mansion as a residence for eight years, before converting it into the Mar-a-Lago Club. His family maintains private quarters in a separate, closed-off area of the house and grounds. Trump frequently visited there during his tenure as president of the United States, referring to it as the Winter White House and his "Southern White House". After Trump became president in January 2017, Mar-a-Lago was used to host meetings for international leaders, including Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe and Chinese president Xi Jinping. In September 2019, Mar-a-Lago became the primary residence for Donald and Melania Trump, who previously held primary residence in New York City. It is the second-largest mansion in the state of Florida (after Versailles in Windermere) and the 24th largest mansion in the United States. In 2018, Forbes estimated the value of the estate at around $160 million, having appreciated since Trump's purchase.

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