Marcus Wandts farkost har dockat med rymdstationen
Rymdfarkosten Dragon med svenske Marcus Wandt ombord har nu dockat med rymdstationen ISS efter 1,5 dygns resa.
Dockningen gick utan problem. Dragon anlände till rymdstationen under förmiddagen och fick direktkontakt med ISS cirka tio minuter innan dockningen var klar. Därefter fästes kapseln vid rymdstationen med tolv fästen.
– Dockningsprocessen är klar, säger företaget Axiom Spaces kommentator i direktsändningen klockan 11.57.
Nu ska en tryckutjämning genomföras. Om cirka 1,5 timme bedöms besättningsmedlemmarna kunna gå ombord på ISS.
Där väntar sju besättningsmedlemmar från Japan, Danmark, USA och Ryssland, enligt TT. Resan ska totalt pågå i upp till två veckor och Wandt ska bland annat delta i en rad forskningsprojekt.

Dockningsprocessen direktsänds här
Space X Dragon 2
Wikipedia (en)
Dragon 2 is a class of partially reusable spacecraft developed and manufactured by American aerospace manufacturer SpaceX, primarily for flights to the International Space Station (ISS). SpaceX also launches private missions, such as Inspiration4 and Axiom Space Missions. There are two variants of the Dragon spacecraft: Crew Dragon, a spacecraft capable of ferrying four crewmembers, and Cargo Dragon, a replacement for the original Dragon 1 used to carry freight to and from space. The spacecraft consists of a reusable space capsule and an expendable trunk module. The spacecraft launches atop a Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket and the capsule returns to Earth through splashdown.
Cargo Dragon supplies cargo to the ISS under a Commercial Resupply Services-2 contract with NASA. The first flight of Dragon 2 in a cargo configuration launched in December 2020. It shares this duty with Northrop Grumman's Cygnus spacecraft, and Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser spaceplane is expected to join them in 2024. As of July 2023 it is the only reusable orbital cargo spacecraft in operation.
As of July 2023, Crew Dragon is the only U.S. human-rated orbital transport spacecraft. Crew Dragon's primary role is to transport crews to and from the ISS under NASA's Commercial Crew Program, succeeding the crew orbital transportation capabilities of the Space Shuttle, which retired from service in 2011. It will be joined by Boeing Starliner in this role in 2025. Crew Dragon is also used for commercial flights, some of them to the ISS, and is expected to be used to shuttle people to and from Axiom Space's planned space station.
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