
”Mario Kart” 30 år – succén föddes ur begränsningar

Efter att Nintendo lanserade tv-spelet ”Super Mario Kart” i Japan 27 augusti 1992 blev det snabbt hyllat av kritiker och en kommersiell succé. Det skriver Engadget med anledning av 30-årsjubileet.

Racingspelet F-Zero hade blivit en stor succé till Super Nintendo, ofta kallat SNES, men tekniken gjorde det omöjligt för flera spelare att köra mot varandra. Skaparen Shigeru Miyamoto ville göra ett spel som vänner och familj kunde samlas runt, ett spel för alla.

Under arbetet med spelet byttes Formel 1-bilarna, som fanns med i den ursprungliga idén, ut mot gokarts och anonyma förare i overaller ersattes av Mario, prinsessan Peach och andra redan då populära Nintendo-karaktärer.

Det var ett smart drag, menar branschanalytikern Serkan Toto.

– Redan då utnyttjade Nintendo varumärket Mario. De satte in honom i spelet för att sälja fler spel än vad de skulle gjort om de behövt komma på en ny karaktär, säger han till BBC.

Super Mario Kart
Wikipedia (en)
Super Mario Kart is a kart racing video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The first game of the Mario Kart series, it was released in Japan and North America in 1992, and in Europe the following year in 1993. Selling 8.76 million copies worldwide, the game went on to become the fourth best-selling SNES game of all time. Super Mario Kart was re-released on the Wii's Virtual Console in 2009, on the Wii U's Virtual Console in 2013, and on the New Nintendo 3DS's Virtual Console in 2016. Nintendo re-released Super Mario Kart in 2017 as part of the company's Super NES Classic Edition. In Super Mario Kart, the player takes control of one of eight Mario series characters, each with differing capabilities. In single player mode players can race against computer-controlled characters in 4 multi-race cups consisting of 20 tracks (5 in each cup) over three difficulty levels (50cc, 100cc & 150cc). During the races, offensive and speed boosting power-ups can be used to gain an advantage. Alternatively players can race against the clock in a Time Trial mode. In multiplayer mode two players can simultaneously take part in the cups or can race against each other one-on-one in Match Race mode. In a third multiplayer mode – Battle Mode – the aim is to defeat the other players by attacking them with power-ups, destroying balloons which surround each kart. Super Mario Kart received positive reviews and was praised for its presentation, innovation and use of Mode 7 graphics. It has been ranked among the greatest video games of all time by several magazines and organizations. It is often credited with creating the kart-racing subgenre of video games, leading other developers to try to duplicate its success. The game is also seen as having been key to expanding the Mario series into non-platforming games. This diversity has led to it becoming the best-selling game franchise of all time. Several sequels to Super Mario Kart have been released, for consoles, handhelds and in arcades, each enjoying critical and commercial success. While some elements have developed throughout the series, the core experience from Super Mario Kart has remained intact.
Mario Kart
Wikipedia (en)
Mario Kart is a series of racing games developed and published by Nintendo. Players compete in go-kart races while using various power-up items. It features characters and courses from the Mario series as well as other gaming franchises such as The Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, and Splatoon. The series was launched in 1992 with Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, to critical and commercial success. The Mario Kart series totals fourteen games, with six on home consoles, three on handheld consoles, four arcade games co-developed with Namco, and one for mobile phones. The latest game in the main series, Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, was released on the Nintendo Switch in October 2020. Over 164.43 million copies in the series have been sold worldwide.
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