Conor McGregor strax innan en match i Las Vegas 2021. (John Locher / AP)

McGregor vill bli president: ”Gillar mina chanser”

UFC-stjärnan Conor McGregor öppnar för att ställa upp i nästa irländska presidentval. Det skriver The Independent.

”Det skulle inte bara vara jag som var president, irländare. Det skulle vara jag och ni,” skriver McGregor på X. Han lovar bland annat att hålla rådgivande folkomröstningar varje vecka om han blir president.

Idén fick omedelbart stöd av Teslagrundaren Elon Musk, som i ett svar till Gregor skriver att han är övertygad om att fightern skulle kunna besegra alla de andra kandidaterna på egen hand.

”Jag gillar mina chanser Elon, 100 procent”, svarar McGregor.

UFC-fightern har nyligen pekats ut som en av de personer vars inlägg i sociala medier gav upphov till ett upplopp i Dublin som kopplats till den högerextrema miljön i landet.

Conor McGregor
Wikipedia (en)
Conor Anthony McGregor (Irish: Conchúr Antóin Mac Gréagóir; born 14 July 1988) is an Irish professional mixed martial artist and professional boxer. He is a former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Featherweight and Lightweight Champion, becoming the first UFC fighter to hold UFC championships in two weight classes simultaneously. He is also a former Cage Warriors Featherweight and Lightweight Champion. Throughout his career, McGregor has become the subject of many controversies due to his behaviour. He is the biggest pay-per-view (PPV) draw in mixed martial arts (MMA) history, having headlined the five highest-selling UFC PPV events. His bout with Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC 229 drew 2.4 million PPV buys, the most ever for an MMA event. His debut professional boxing match, during which he was defeated by Floyd Mayweather Jr., drew over 5.3 million buys across the United States and the United Kingdom. McGregor was ranked as the world's highest-paid athlete by Forbes in 2021, earning a reported $180 million. He also featured in the list in 2018, when he was ranked fourth, with a reported income of $99 million.
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