Merkel pressade Putin om tjetjenska hbtq-rättigheter
Under mötet i Sotji uppmanade den tyska förbundskanslern Angela Merkel Vladimir Putin att se till så att hbtq-personers rättigheter i Tjetjenien skyddas, rapporterar flera medier. Ryska hbtq-organisationer uppger att ett hundratal homosexuella har kidnappats och torterats i Tjetjenien de senaste månaderna.
– Det finns ögonvittnesskildringar som beskriver hur människor får elektrochockar, torteras och om hur männen stängts in i betongskjul, har RFSL:s vice förbundsordförande Magnus Kolsjö tidigare sagt till TT.
Hbtq-rättigheter i Tjetjenien
Wikipedia (en)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in Chechnya have long been a cause for concern among human rights organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. As a part of the Russian Federation, many of Russia's LGBT laws apply. However, Chechnya is a semi-autonomous republic within Russia's borders, with its own legal code, and the state imposes the death penalty (officially suspended) for sexual relations between men. In addition, there are few protections for LGBT citizens, and the government encourages the killing of people suspected of homosexuality by their families.
Since March 2017, a violent crackdown on homosexuality led to the abduction and detention of gay and bisexual men, who were beaten and tortured. More than one hundred men, and possibly several hundred men, were targeted. At least three, and reportedly as many as 20, were killed. The precise number of those detained and killed is unknown. A panel of expert advisors to the United Nations Human Rights Council reported in early April 2017 that: "These are acts of persecution and violence on an unprecedented scale in the region and constitute serious violations of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international human rights law."
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