Militärjuntan i Mali utvisar FN:s människorättschef
Militärjuntan i Mali svartlistar chefen för FN:s lokala människorättsorganisation Minusma, rapporterar AFP.
Chefen, som heter Guillaume Ngefa Atonodok Andali, låg bakom vilka som skulle få tala under ett FN-sammanträde i landet i slutet av januari. Där fick en människorättsaktivist komma till tals, som kritiserade Malis samarbete med Ryssland, något som juntan vände sig emot.
– Åtgärden kommer efter Mr Andalis destabiliserande handlingar, säger juntan i ett uttalande som lästes upp på nationell tv på söndagen.
Militärjuntans kupp i Mali
Wikipedia (en)
On 18 August 2020, elements of the Malian Armed Forces began a mutiny. Soldiers on pick-up trucks stormed the Soundiata military base in the town of Kati, where gunfire was exchanged before weapons were distributed from the armory and senior officers arrested. Tanks and armoured vehicles were seen on the town's streets, as well as military trucks heading for the capital, Bamako. The soldiers detained several government officials including President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, who resigned and dissolved the government. This was the country's second coup in less than 10 years, following the 2012 coup d'état.
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