Paris borgmästare omvald – med 50 procent av rösterna
Paris borgmästare Anne Hidalgo har blivit omvald. Det visar en vallokalsundersökning efter kommunvalets andra omgång, enligt AFP.
Hidalgo, som representerar socialdemokratiska PS, fick 50,2 procent av rösterna. Högerkandidaten Rachida Dati fick 32 procent av rösterna medan den förre hälsoministern Agnès Buzyn, från Emmanuel Macrons parti LREM, kom på tredje plats.
Anne Hidalgo
Wikipedia (en)
Ana María "Anne" Hidalgo Aleu (French pronunciation: [an idalɡo]; born 19 June 1959) is a Spanish-French politician serving as Mayor of Paris since 2014. She is the first woman to hold the office.
A member of the Socialist Party since 1994, she was First Deputy Mayor of Paris under Bertrand Delanoë (2001–2014), having held the title of Paris City Councillor from the 15th arrondissement since the 2001 municipal elections. On 22 January 2016, she was elected First Vice President of the Métropole du Grand Paris ex officio to her mayoral position.
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