Martin Vizcarra svärs in som president. (CRIS BOURONCLE / AFP)

Perus nye president lovar att bekämpa korruptionen

Perus nye president Martin Vizcarra lovar att bekämpa korruptionen ”till varje pris”. Beskedet kommer två dagar efter den tidigare ledaren Pedro Pablo Kuczynskis avgång.

Vizcarra, som tidigare var vicepresident under Kaczynski, ska nu enligt egen utsago sätta samman en helt ny regering. Samtidigt ber han de peruanska parlamentsledamöterna hjälpa honom att återvinna allmänhetens förtroende för statens institutioner.

Kuczynski fick lämna makten sedan den brasilianska byggjätten Odebrecht vittnat om att man betalat ut miljontals kronor till företag som påstås ha ägts av honom. Anklagelser om korruption har också riktats mot de tre presidenter som hade makten i Peru före Kuczynski och rättsprocesser kopplade till Odebrecht-skandalen pågår mot två av dem.

Wikipedia (en)
Operation Car Wash (Portuguese: Operação Lava Jato) is an ongoing criminal investigation being carried out by the Federal Police of Brazil, Curitiba Branch, and judicially commanded by Judge Sérgio Moro since March 17, 2014. Initially a money laundering investigation, it has expanded to cover allegations of corruption at the state-controlled oil company Petrobras, where executives allegedly accepted bribes in return for awarding contracts to construction firms at inflated prices. This criminal "system" is known as "Petrolão—Operation Car Wash". The operation has included more than one thousand warrants for search and seizure, temporary and preventive detention and coercive measures, with the aim of ascertaining the extent of a money laundering scheme suspected of moving more than R$30 billion (c. US$9.5 billion as of July 23, 2017). Because of the exceptionality of their actions, lawyers accuse the operation of "selectivity" and "partiality" in their case, being "a criminal case that violated minimum rules of defense for a large number of defendants".
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