Isaac Herzog och Benjamin Netanyahu i dag. (Maya Alleruzzo / AP)

Presidenten: Svårt beslut eftersom han står åtalad

Det var inget enkelt beslut att ge Benjamin Netanyahu uppdraget att bilda regering, säger Israels president Isaac Herzog. I nästa andetag konstaterar han att ”det inte har undgått honom” att Netanyahu står åtalad för korruption.

– Och jag bagatelliserar inte detta alls, säger Herzog.

Men, fortsätter han, den högsta domstolen i Israel har vid flera beslut slagit fast att det är möjligt att bilda regering även för den parlamentsledamot som står åtalad.

Netanyahu, som är Israels längst sittande premiärminister genom tiderna, har nu 28 dagar på sig att bilda regering.

Rättegångarna mot Benjamin Netanyahu
Wikipedia (en)
Benjamin Netanyahu served twice as Israel's Prime Minister from 1996–1999 and 2009–2021. His fourth and fifth term as prime minister was overshadowed by ongoing investigation into alleged bribery, fraud and breach of trust by him and close political allies within his inner circle. The Israel Police began investigating Netanyahu starting in December 2016. As a result of their investigation, police recommended indictments against Netanyahu. Additionally, on 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud. As a result of the indictment, Netanyahu is legally required to relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister. Netanyahu's trial in the Jerusalem District Court began on 24 May 2020. Witness testimony began on 5 April 2021. As of May 31, 2022, the criminal trial is still ongoing. According to recent reports by The Times of Israel, the prosecution sought to amend the Netanyahu's indictment in one of three cases against him, but it was rejected by the court. However, the court allowed the prosecution to add three new witnesses to Case 1000.
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