Marina Ovsjannikova/Putin under segerdagens firande i Moskva tidigare i veckan (Sky News/)

”Putin har inte nog med novitjok för sina kritiker”

Rysslands president Vladimir Putin ”har inte tillräckligt med novitjok-nervgift” för att döda sin växande skara av kritiker. Det säger den ryska exiljournalisten Marina Ovsjannikova i en intervju med Sky News.

Hon tror att kriget kommer att leda till att den ryska eliten splittras, men inte att det blir en klassisk kupp.

– Se bara vad som händer nu [...] Prigozjin (Wagnerledaren) höjer rösten. Och (den tjetjenske ledaren) Kadyrov säger andra saker. Jag hoppas att systemet ska gå sönder från insidan.

Ovsjannikova fick rubriker i hela världen när hon protesterade mot kriget i ryska Kanal 1.

Wikipedia (en)
Novichok (Russian: Новичо́к, lit. 'newcomer, novice, newbie') is a group of nerve agents, some of which are binary chemical weapons. The agents were developed at the GosNIIOKhT state chemical research institute by the Soviet Union and Russia between 1971 and 1993. Some Novichok agents are solids at standard temperature and pressure, while others are liquids. Dispersal of solid form agents is thought possible if in ultrafine powder state.Russian scientists who developed the nerve agents claim they are the deadliest ever made, with some variants possibly five to eight times more potent than VX, and others up to ten times more potent than soman. As well as Russia, Novichok agents have been known to be produced in Iran.In the 21st century, Novichok agents came to public attention after they were used to poison opponents of the Russian government, including the Skripals and two others in Amesbury, UK (2018), and Alexei Navalny (2020), but civil poisonings with this substance have been known since at least 1995. In November 2019, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is the executive body for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), added the Novichok agents to "list of controlled substances" of the CWC "in one of the first major changes to the treaty since it was agreed in the 1990s" in response to the 2018 poisonings in the UK.
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