Putin: Kommer svara på ukrainska klusterbomber
Nu hotar Rysslands president Vladimir Putin med att Ryssland ska använda de kontroversiella klusterbomberna som svar mot Ukraina, skriver AFP. Det efter att USA har beslutat att skicka klusterbomber till Ukraina.
I en intervju med statlig media meddelande Putin att: ”Om de används mot oss tar vi oss rätten att svara med samma handling”
Klusterbomber har förbjudits av fler än 100 länder i världen, dock inte av Ukraina och Ryssland. Både sidorna har använt sig av bomberna i kriget, men framförallt Ryssland.
Flera internationella organisationer, däribland FN och Human Rights Watch, har återkommande anklagat landet för att ha använt vapnen mot civila med flera hundra dödsoffer som följd.
Så har klusterbomber använts under kriget
Wikipedia (en)
The use of cluster munitions during the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022–present) has been recorded by a number of eyewitnesses and journalists, as well as representatives of the UN, humanitarian and public organizations. In particular, the head of the UN Human Rights Council, Michelle Bachelet, reported on March 30 at least 24 cases since the beginning of the invasion. As of July 1, hundreds of attacks by Russian forces with cluster munitions have already been recorded in the settlements of the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions. 215 civilians are known to have been killed in these shellings and 474 injured, many of which may go unreported. Both Russia as well as Ukraine have used cluster munitions during the conflict, however, Russian use has been extensive while Ukrainian use has been more limited.Neither Russia nor Ukarine are signatories of the of the 2008 convention limiting the use of cluster munitions. The use of such weapons against civilians violates the principles of humanitarian law and therefore constitutes a war crime. Reports of Russian attacks have prompted the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation into the commission of war crimes in Ukrainian territory.
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