Pat Cipollone/Stormningen. (AP)

Rådgivare kallad att vittna – blir en vändpunkt i utredningen av Trump

USA:s justitiedepartement har kallat Pat Cipollone, tidigare juridisk rådgivare åt Donald Trump, att vittna inför en åtalsjury. Det blir en vändpunkt i departementets utredning av Trump, rapporterar The Hill.

När Cipollone vittnade inför kongressens 6 januari-kommitté åberopade han flera gånger tystnadsplikt – men justitiedepartementet har mer långtgående juridiska befogenheter än kongressen, och kan tvinga honom att vittna.

Cipollones vittnesmål kan bli högst värdefullt för utredningen. Vita huset-medarbetaren Cassidy Hutchinson har vittnat om hans protester när det stod klart att Trump ville mana sina supportrar att marschera mot Kapitolium.

– Vi kommer åtalas för alla brott man kan tänka sig, uppges han ha sagt.

I slutet av juli blev det känt att justitiedepartementet brottsutreder Trump. Cipollone är den högst uppsatta av Trumps medarbetare som blivit kallad.

Wikipedia (en)
A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may subpoena physical evidence or a person to testify. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.Originating in England during the Middle Ages, grand juries are only retained in two countries, the United States and Liberia. Other common law jurisdictions formerly employed them, and most others now employ a different procedure that does not involve a jury: a preliminary hearing. Grand juries perform both accusatory and investigatory functions. The investigatory functions of grand juries include obtaining and reviewing documents and other evidence, and hearing sworn testimonies of witnesses who appear before it; the accusatory function determines whether there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a particular offense within the venue of a district court. In Ireland, they also functioned as local government authorities. In Japan, the Law of July 12, 1948, created the Kensatsu Shinsakai (Prosecutorial Review Commission or PRC system), inspired by the American system.The grand jury is so named because traditionally it has more jurors than a trial jury, sometimes called a petit jury (from the French word petit meaning "small"). A grand jury in the United States is usually composed of 16 to 23 citizens, though in Virginia it has fewer members for regular or special grand juries.
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