Robotkryssaren Moskva / Igor Osipov (överst) / Sergej Pintjuk. (Wikimedia Commons.)

Rapport: Befälhavare gripen efter Moskvas undergång

Ryska myndigheter har gripit befälhavaren för Rysslands Svarta havsflotta, amiralen Igor Osipov, och har startat en utredning mot flottans stabschef, viceamiralen Sergej Pintjuk. Det rapporterar den amerikanska tankesmedjan Institute for the study of war (ISW) med hänvisning till uppgifter från Ukrainas militära underrättelsetjänst.

Åtgärderna antas ha vidtagits med anledning av Svarta havsflottans sjunkna flaggskepp Moskva. Enligt ukrainska underrättelseuppgifter har dessutom ett flertal andra befälhavare inom Rysslands armé avsatts från sina poster efter de ryska motgångarna i kriget.

Utrensningarna väntas dock inte förbättra den ryska stridsförmågan ”eftersom ersättarna sannolikt kommer att vara mindre erfarna och under intensiv press att uppnå de orimliga mål som Kreml har satt upp”, skriver ISW.

Igor Osipov
Wikipedia (en)
Igor Vladimirovich Osipov (Russian: Игорь Владимирович Осипов; born 6 March 1973) is an officer of the Russian Navy. He holds the rank of Admiral since 2021, and is commander in chief of the Black Sea Fleet since 2019. Born 1973 in the Kazakh SSR, part of the Soviet Union, Osipov studied at the Higher Naval School of Submarine Navigation, and joined the Pacific Fleet after graduation. His early service was spent aboard the small anti-submarine Grisha-class corvettes, gradually rising through the ranks to command his own vessel. Staff appointments in the fleet followed, as well as further study in the navy's higher education establishments, before he took command of the Baltic Fleet's base at Baltiysk. He was appointed commander of the Caspian Flotilla in 2015, returned to the Pacific Fleet as its chief of staff and deputy commander the following year, and in 2018 became Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He took command of the Black Sea Fleet in May 2019.
Sergej Pintjuk
Wikipedia (en)
Sergei Mikhailovich Pinchuk (Russian: Сергей Михайлович Пинчук; born 26 July 1971) is an officer of the Russian Navy. He currently holds the rank of vice-admiral, and is deputy commander in chief of the Black Sea Fleet.
Robotkryssaren Moskva
Wikipedia (en)
Moskva (Russian: Москва [mɐskˈva], lit. 'Moscow'), formerly Slava (Russian: Слава, lit. 'Glory'), was a guided missile cruiser of the Russian Navy. The ship was the lead ship of the Project 1164 Atlant class, named after the city of Moscow. The flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, and with a crew of 510, Moskva was considered the most powerful warship in the Black Sea region.The cruiser was deployed in military conflicts in Georgia (2008), Crimea (2014), and Syria (2015). Beginning in February 2022, it led the naval assault during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, until its sinking on 14 April 2022.
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