Rapport: Taiwan skulle stå emot anfall – till högt pris
Taiwan skulle sannolikt, med stöd av USA, stå emot en kinesisk invasion. Den bedömningen gör tankesmedjan CSIS i en ny rapport baserad på en krigssimulering.
Men segern skulle komma med ett enormt högt pris, enligt tankesmedjans bedömning. Tiotusentals liv skulle gå förlorade och Washingtons globala position skulle skadas.
– Krig med Kina skulle leda till förstörelse i en skala som inte setts av USA sedan 1945, säger Mark Cancian vid den Washingtonbaserade tankesmedjan.
CSIS anser att USA och Taiwan omedelbart bör verka för militär avspänning.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Wikipedia (en)
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is an American think tank based in Washington, D.C. CSIS was founded as the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University in 1962. The center conducts policy studies and strategic analyses of political, economic and security issues throughout the world, with a specific focus on issues concerning international relations, trade, technology, finance, energy and geostrategy.In the University of Pennsylvania's 2019 Global Go To Think Tanks Report, CSIS is ranked the number one think tank in the United States across all fields, the "Top Defense and National Security Think Tank" in the world, and the 4th best think tank in the world overall. It was named as a "Defense and National Security Center of Excellence for 2016-2018".Since its founding, CSIS "has been dedicated to finding ways to sustain American prominence and prosperity as a force for good in the world", according to its website. CSIS is officially a bipartisan think tank with scholars that represent varying points of view across the political spectrum. The think tank is known for inviting well-known foreign policy and public service officials from the U.S. Congress and the executive branch, including those affiliated with either the Democratic or the Republican Party as well as foreign officials of varying political backgrounds. It has been labeled a "centrist" think tank by U.S. News & World Report.The center hosts the Statesmen's Forum, a bipartisan venue for international leaders to present their views. Past speakers have included UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and National Security Advisor Tom Donilon. The center also conducts the CSIS-Schieffer School Dialogues, a series of discussions hosted by Bob Schieffer, of CBS News, in addition to the Global Security Forum, with keynote addresses by Defense Department officials including former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.

The First Battle of the Next War: A US-China Conflict over Taiwan.
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