Reportersex med FBI-agent kritiseras i Eastwoods film
Clint Eastwoods biografiska drama ”Richard Jewell” som skildrar attentatet mot OS i Atlanta 1996 får kritik, skriver amerikanska medier. Orsaken är att filmen skildrar hur tidningen Atlanta Journal-Constitutions reporter Kathy Scruggs ligger med en FBI-agent för att få information om säkerhetsvakten Jewell, som felaktigt misstänktes för dådet.
Personer som kände verklighetens Scruggs beskriver henne som en hårt arbetande journalist som outtröttligt byggde förtroende hos sina källor, skriver NBC.
– Det övergår mitt förstånd att filmskaparna valt att framställa henne så, när det inte finns några belägg för att hon skulle ha agerat på det sättet, säger tidningens chefredaktör Kevin Riley.
Attentatet mot OS i Atlanta
Wikipedia (en)
The Centennial Olympic Park bombing was a domestic terrorist pipe bombing attack on Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 27 during the 1996 Summer Olympics. The blast directly killed 1 person and injured 111 others; another person later died of a heart attack. It was the first of four bombings committed by Eric Rudolph. Security guard Richard Jewell discovered the bomb before detonation and cleared most of the spectators out of the park. Rudolph, a carpenter, and handyman, detonated three pipe bombs inside a U.S. military ALICE back pack.
After the bombings, Jewell was initially investigated as a suspect by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and news media aggressively focused on him as the presumed culprit when he was actually innocent. In October 1996, the FBI declared Jewell was no longer a person of interest. Following three more bombings in 1997, Rudolph was identified by the FBI as the suspect. In 2003, Rudolph was arrested, and in 2005 he agreed to plead guilty to avoid a potential death sentence. Rudolph was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for his crimes.

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