
Roaming släpps fri i EU – men begränsningar införs

EU har tidigare beslutat att slopa roamingavgifter för att man ska kunna surfa, ringa och skicka meddelanden utan att betala extra inom EU. Men den fria roamingen är inte helt fri, utan kommer att vara begränsad.
EU-kommissionen föreslår fri roaming 30 dagar i taget och max 90 dagar som en minimigräns. Men operatörerna får alltså erbjuda längre fria roamingperioder om de vill.
Den nya reglerna väntas träda i kraft nästa sommar.

EU:s regler om roaming
Wikipedia (en)
European Union roaming regulations (sometimes called the Eurotariff) regulate the imposition of roaming charges within the European Union. They regulate both the charges a mobile network operator can impose on its subscribers for using telephone and data services outside of the network's member state, and the wholesale rates networks can charge each other to allow their subscribers access to each other's networks. Since 2007, the roaming regulations have steadily lowered the maximum roaming charges allowable. A proposed regulation, which has passed the European parliament in April 2014 but still needs to be approved by the Council of the European Union, proposes to abolish end-user roaming charges in the EU. While originally proposed to go into effect in December 2015, the change has proven controversial, and the latest proposal as of June 2015 has a June 2017 effect date.
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