Två män bär en kraschad Superman-docka inför misstroendeomröstningen i det rumänska parlamentet i Bukarest. (Andreea Alexandru / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Rumäniens regering faller i misstroendeomröstning

Rumäniens mitten-högerregering ledd av den pro-europeiska liberalen Florin Citu har fallit mindre än ett år efter att den tillträdde, skriver Politico. Oppositionen bestående av det socialdemokratiska PSD (mitten-vänster) och radikala högeralliansen AUR gick samman i en misstroendeomröstning för att fälla Citu.

Först när parlamentet två gånger röstar ned en premiärminister och dess kabinett blir det per automatik nyval. PSD kräver ett nytt val omedelbart.

Tisdagens omröstning slutade med 281 ja för att fälla Citu-styret. Regeringen och stödpartierna bojkottade den.

Rumäniens politiska styre
Wikipedia (en)
Romania's political framework is a semi-presidential representative democratic republic where the Prime Minister is the head of government while the President represents the country internationally, signs some decrees, approves laws promulgated by parliament and nominations as head of state. Romania has a multi-party system, with legislative power vested in the government and the two chambers of Parliament: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. From 1948 until 1989, the Communist rule political structure took place in the framework of a one-party socialist republic governed by the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) as its only legal party. Romania's 1991 constitution (amended in 2003) proclaims it a democratic and social republic, deriving its sovereignty from the people. According to the constitution, "Human dignity, civic rights and freedoms, the unhindered development of human personality, justice, and political pluralism are supreme and guaranteed values." The constitution provides for a President, a Parliament, a Constitutional Court and a separate court system which includes the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The right to vote is granted to all citizens over 18 years of age. The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Romania as a "flawed democracy" in 2016.
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