Gregorian Bivolaru. (Marian Ilie / AP)

Sektledare blir av med svenskt uppehållstillstånd

Sektledaren Gregorian Bivolaru har fått sitt svenska uppehållstillstånd indraget, rapporterar P4 Blekinge.

Bivolaru har varit frontfigur för tantrayoga-sekten Misa. Han greps förra året i Frankrike och anklagas bland annat för att ha låst in och våldtagit kvinnor, och tvingat dem att dricka hans urin.

Bivolaru kommer ursprungligen från Rumänien men fick uppehållstillstånd i Sverige 2005. Han är enligt P4 folkbokförd i Karlskrona.

Gregorian Bivolaru
Wikipedia (en)
Gregorian Bivolaru also known as Magnus Aurolsson and nicknamed Grieg, Grig or, by the press, Guru (born 12 March 1952) is the founder of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA). MISA has faced allegations of procuring and forced prostitution. He is imprisoned in France for an "alleged rape, human trafficking and kidnapping scheme". He faces accusations of organized crime. In 2005, the Supreme Court of Sweden agreed to grant political refugee status to Bivolaru in response to his claims of persecution by Romanian authorities. On 14 June 2013, the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania definitively sentenced Bivolaru to six years in prison, without suspension, for sexual acts with a minor. Furthermore, he was acquitted for all the other charges against him (e.g. trafficking of a minor). Bivolaru is also on the 'wanted' list of Interpol, for criminal charges of aggravated trafficking in human beings. In a European Court of Human Rights judgement in 2021, he was proclaimed to be criminal on-the-run for forcing his followers to turn over their life savings to him and have sex with each other, and him, at his command. Young female members said they were forced to work as strippers and appear in hardcore porn films. In 2013, he was convicted in absentia for having sex with a minor. France executed a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) for him in 2016. He was again arrested in France in November 2023, but not for extradition purposes.
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