Skottland: Väl förberedda för självständighet
Historiskt sett har inget land varit ”bättre förberett för att bli självständigt” än Skottland. Det säger den skotska försteministern Nicola Sturgeon, enligt Sky News.
Under måndagen ska den skotska regeringen presentera en tredje del i en utredning om hur en självständig skotskt ekonomi kan komma att se ut. Utredningen kommer bland annat att föreslå att Skottland går med i EU igen, och satsningar inom anställningstryggheten.
– Skottland har inte råd att leva under Westminsters styre längre, säger hon.
Nicola Sturgeon har tidigare meddelat att landet planerar en självständighetsomröstning 2023. När en liknande omröstning hölls 2014 vann nej-sidan med 55,3 procent av rösterna.
Självständighetsomröstningen 2014
Wikipedia (en)
A referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was held in Scotland on 18 September 2014. The referendum question was, "Should Scotland be an independent country?", which voters answered with "Yes" or "No". The "No" side won with 2,001,926 (55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%) voting in favour. The turnout of 84.6% was the highest recorded for an election or referendum in the United Kingdom since the January 1910 general election, which was held before the introduction of universal suffrage.
The Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013 set out the arrangements for the referendum and was passed by the Scottish Parliament in November 2013, following an agreement between the devolved Scottish government and the Government of the United Kingdom. The independence proposal required a simple majority to pass. All European Union (EU) or Commonwealth citizens residing in Scotland age 16 or over could vote, with some exceptions, which produced a total electorate of almost 4,300,000 people. This was the first time that the electoral franchise was extended to include 16- and 17-year-olds in Scotland.
Yes Scotland was the main campaign group for independence, while Better Together was the main campaign group in favour of maintaining the union. Many other campaign groups, political parties, businesses, newspapers, and prominent individuals were also involved. Prominent issues raised during the referendum included what currency an independent Scotland would use, public expenditure, EU membership, and North Sea oil. An exit poll revealed that retention of the pound sterling was the deciding factor for those who voted No, while "disaffection with Westminster politics" was the deciding factor for those who voted Yes.
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