President Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed. (Farah Abdi Warsameh / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Somalia skjuter upp valet efter logistiskt kaos

Somalier har i månader väntat på att det första parlamentsvalet på över 50 ska bli av. Men nu har landets styre än en gång skjutit fram datumet, rapporterar AFP.

En anonym källa vid landets valkommitté uppger för nyhetsbyrån att logistikproblem ligger till grund för att valet inte sker som planerat. Regionerna har bland annat inte kunnat få fram listor över kandidater, och i regionen Puntaland ska man dessutom ha haft tekniska problem. I en annan region blockerades hela valprocessen eftersom den lokala ledaren var utomlands. Endast ett distrikt ska ha varit redo inför valet.

Valprocesserna i Somalia
Wikipedia (en)
During the civilian administration that existed prior to the seizure of power by the Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC) in 1969, there were a number of local political parties. Most notable of these early institutions was the Somali Youth League, the nation's first political organization. Upon assuming office, the Siad Barre-led SRC outlawed all extant political parties and advocated a form of scientific socialism inspired by Maoist China and the Soviet Union. Following the outbreak of the civil war in 1991 that saw the ouster of the Barre regime, many of the few remaining political parties gave way to autonomous or semi-autonomous regional states in the northern part of the country, or fragmented into feuding militia groups in the south. After several unsuccessful national reconciliation efforts, a Transitional Federal Government (TFG) was formed in 2004 with a mandate leading toward the establishment of a new constitution and a transition to a representative government.
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