Spicer: Jag ångrar den första presskonferensen
”Det här var den största publiken på en presidentinstallation genom alla tider. Punkt”. Så sa Vita husets dåvarande pressekreterare Sean Spicer i sin första presskonferens efter att Donald Trump svurits in som president.
Det var ingen drömstart. Spicer fick ta emot mycket hån för sitt bevisligen felaktiga påstående. I en intervju på måndagen fick Spicer, som slutade som pressekreterare i somras, frågan om han ångrar det.
– Absolut, det är klart jag gör, svarade han enligt New York Times.
Sean Spicer
Wikipedia (en)
Sean Michael Spicer (born September 23, 1971) is an American political aide who served as White House Press Secretary and as acting White House Communications Director under President Donald Trump in 2017. Spicer was communications director of the Republican National Committee from 2011 to 2017, and its chief strategist from 2015 to 2017.
During his tenure as White House press secretary, Spicer made a number of public statements that were controversial or false, and had developed a contentious relationship with the White House press corps. The first such instance occurred on the day following Trump's inauguration. Spicer repeated the claim that crowds at Trump's inauguration ceremony were the largest ever at such an event and that the press had deliberately under-estimated the number of spectators. After this statement was widely criticized, Trump aide Kellyanne Conway said that Spicer had presented what she called "alternative facts" regarding the inauguration's attendance numbers.
On July 21, 2017, Spicer announced his resignation as White House Press Secretary, although he remained at the White House in an unspecified capacity, until August 31, 2017.
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