Clayton Johnson / Första avsnittet ”The man trap”. (Wikipedia.)

”Star trek”–författare död i cancer

Den amerikanske science fiction-författaren George Clayton Johnson har dött, skriver BBC. Clayton Johnson förknippas ofta med Star Trek och skrev det allra första avsnittet ”The man trap”, som sändes 1966.
Amerikanen är mest känd för att ha skrivit science fiction-romanen ”Flykten från framtiden” (”Logan's run”) tillsammans med William F Nolan.
George Clayton Johnson blev 86 år gammal.

George Clayton Johnson
Wikipedia (en)
George Clayton Johnson (July 10, 1929 – December 25, 2015) was an American science fiction writer, most famous for co-writing the novel Logan's Run with William F. Nolan, the basis for the hit MGM 1976 film. He was also known for his television scripts for The Twilight Zone (including "Nothing in the Dark", "Kick the Can", "A Game of Pool", and "A Penny for Your Thoughts"), and the first telecast episode of Star Trek, entitled "The Man Trap". He also wrote the story on which the 1960 and 2001 films Ocean's Eleven were based. His work appeared in numerous anthologies by editors such as Dennis Etchison, Jason V Brock, and Christopher Conlon. He was the proprietor of Cafe Frankenstein, and co-created the comic book series Deepest Dimension Terror Anthology with cartoonist and author Jay Allen Sanford for Revolutionary Comics, which adapted his stories from The Twilight Zone (including unproduced teleplays) and stories by his friends and contemporaries such as Larry Niven, Robert Bloch, and Etchison.
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