Star Wars-profil: Det borde vara ok med blackface
Billy Dee Williams – bland annat känd för sin tolkning av karaktären ”Lando Calrissian” i Star Wars – anser att skådespelare bör kunna spela i blackface. Det säger den afroamerikanske skådespelaren i komikern Bill Mahers podd ”Club Random”.
– En skådespelare måste kunna göra precis vad den vill. Det du tror att du kan göra, det ska du göra.
Tidigare i Williams långa karriär har det varit förekommande att skådespelare framträtt mörksminkade. På 1960-talet var han aktuell för rollen som medborgarrättsaktivisten Malcolm X. Studion ville i stället ha ljushyade stjärnan Marlon Brando, något Williams beskriver som ”hysteriskt men lite intressant”. Filmen blev dock inte av.

Billy Dee Williams i Club Random med Bill Maher
Billy Dee Williams
Wikipedia (en)
William December Williams Jr. (born April 6, 1937) is an American actor, novelist and painter. He has appeared in over 100 films and television roles over six decades. He is most known for portraying Lando Calrissian in the Star Wars franchise and has also appeared in critically acclaimed and popular titles such as Mahogany (1975), Scott Joplin (1977), and Nighthawks (1981), as Harvey Dent in Batman (1989) and The Lego Batman Movie (2017), The Last Angry Man (1959), Carter's Army, The Out-of-Towners (1969), The Final Comedown and Lady Sings the Blues (both 1972), Hit! (1973), Fear City and Terror in the Aisles (both 1984), Alien Intruder (1993) or The Visit (2000).
Raised in Harlem, Williams made his Broadway theatre debut at age seven in The Firebrand of Florence (1945). He later graduated from The High School of Music & Art, then won a painting scholarship to the National Academy of Fine Arts and Design, where he won a Hallgarten Prize for painting in the mid-1950s. He returned to acting to fund his art supplies, including stage, films, and television. He continued painting; his work has since been shown in galleries and collections worldwide. Williams’ film debut was in The Last Angry Man (1959), but he came to national attention in the television movie Brian's Song (1971), which earned him an Emmy nomination for Best Actor. In the 1980s, he was cast as Lando Calrissian in The Empire Strikes Back (1980), becoming the first black actor with a major role in the Star Wars franchise. He reprised his role in subsequent Star Wars films and media. Williams's television work includes over 70 credits starting in 1966 including recurring roles over the decades in Gideon's Crossing; Dynasty, General Hospital: Night Shift; and General Hospital. Numerous cameos and supporting roles included being paired with Marla Gibbs on The Jeffersons, 227, and The Hughleys. Later work included voice acting in the series Titan Maximum (2009), and appearing on the reality show Dancing with the Stars (2014).
His work has earned him numerous awards and honors including three NAACP Image Awards, and the NAACP Lifetime Achievement award. He was inducted into the Black Filmmaker's Hall of Fame in 1984, and earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1985.
Wikipedia (en)
Blackface is the practice of non-black performers using burnt cork or theatrical makeup to portray a caricature of black people on stage or in entertainment.
In the United States, the practice became a popular entertainment during the 19th century into the 20th. It contributed to the spread of racial stereotypes such as "Jim Crow", the "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation", and "Zip Coon" also known as the "dandified coon". By the middle of the 19th century, blackface minstrel shows had become a distinctive American artform, translating formal works such as opera into popular terms for a general audience.Early in the 20th century, blackface branched off from the minstrel show and became a form of entertainment in its own right, including as Tom Shows parodying abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. In the United States, blackface declined in popularity beginning in the 1940s with performances dotting the cultural landscape into the Civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It was generally considered highly offensive, disrespectful, and racist by the late 20th century on into the 21st century, though the practice (or similar-looking ones) was exported to other countries.
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