Statoils besked lyfte Lundin på börsen
Oljekoncernen Lundin Petroleums aktie steg 1,8 procent på måndagsbörsen efter att norska Statoil höjt produktionsprognosen och sänkt budgeten för oljefältet Johan Sverdrup. Lundin Petroleum är som 22,6-procentig ägare i fältet näst störst.
Oljefältet Johan Sverdrup
Wikipedia (en)
The Johan Sverdrup oil field (Sverdrup Field) is an oil field in the North Sea, about 140 kilometres (87 mi) west of Stavanger, Norway. The field lies in two different production licenses and consists of two different discoveries called Avaldsnes (where Lundin Petroleum is the operator) and Aldous Major South (where Statoil is operator). When it was revealed that these discoveries constituted one single field, it was renamed Johan Sverdrup after the father of Norwegian parliamentarism. The field has not yet been unitized between production licenses 501, 501B, and 265. Johan Sverdrup is expected to hold 1.8–2.9 billion barrels (290–460 million cubic metres) of oil.
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