Stoppade terrordåd – spelar sig själv i ny film
Sommaren 2015 var tre amerikaner med om att stoppa en terrorattack på ett tåg mot Paris. Nu ska männen spela sig själva i Clint Eastwoods film om händelsen, skriver Variety.
Alek Skarlatos, Spencer Stone och Anthony Sadler gör därmed sällskap med betydligt mer väletablerade skådespelare som Jenna Fischer och Judy Greer i rolluppsättningen.
Tågattacken 2015
Wikipedia (en)
On 21 August 2015, a shooting and stabbing incident took place on board a Thalys train in France on its way from Amsterdam to Paris. The train had just crossed the border from Belgium into France and was traveling through Oignies in the department of Pas-de-Calais, when the perpetrator opened fire in a train carriage before being subdued by passengers, one of whom he stabbed. Including the assailant, four people were injured, none fatally. The incident is believed by French police to be an Islamist terrorist attack, although the gunman claimed the motivation was robbery due to hunger. Several people who subdued the attacker were awarded France's highest decoration, the Legion of Honour, as well as other awards.
Läs mer om tågattacken
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