Stor protest i Bangkok på fyraårsdagen av kuppen
Rödskjorterörelsen i Thailand har hållit en av de största protesterna sedan militärkuppen 2014. Hundratals demonstranter marscherade mot regeringsbyggnaderna i Bangkok, men stoppades av polisavspärrningar.
– Vi har satt upp avspärrningar kring regeringsbyggnaden. Om de kommer in på området innebär det sex månaders fängelse, säger landets polischef enligt AFP.
I Thailand råder förbud för politiska sammankomster med fem eller fler deltagare sedan den tidigare premiärministern Yingluck Shinawatra avsattes vid militärkuppen.
Rödskjorterörelsen är benämningen på motrörelsen mot juntan
Wikipedia (en)
The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) (Thai: แนวร่วมประชาธิปไตยต่อต้านเผด็จการแห่งชาติ; นปช., alternatively translated as National Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship), whose supporters are commonly called red shirts, is a political pressure group opposed to the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), the 2006 Thai coup d'état, and supporters of the coup. Notable UDD leaders include Jatuporn Prompan, Nattawut Saikua, Veera Musikapong, Charan Ditthapichai, and Weng Tojirakarn. The UDD allies itself with the Pheu Thai Party, which was deposed by the 2014 military coup. Before the July 2011 national elections, the UDD claimed that Abhisit Vejjajiva's government took power illegitimately, backed by the Thai Army and the judiciary. The UDD called for the Thai Parliament to be dissolved so that a general election could be held. UDD accused the country's extra-democratic elite—the military, judiciary, certain members of the privy council, and other unelected officials—of undermining democracy by interfering in politics. The UDD is composed of mostly rural citizens from northeast (Isan) and north Thailand, of urban lower classes from Bangkok, and of intellectuals. Although the movement seems to receive support from former prime minister-in-exile Thaksin Shinawatra, not all UDD members support the deposed prime minister.
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