
Strateg: Börsåret 2022 blir ett normalt år

2022 blir ett normalår på aktiemarknaden där coronapandemin försvinner från investerarnas fokus. Dessutom kommer fenomenet ”tina”, there is no alternative, tappa sin kraft till följd av högre räntor som i så fall skulle gynna korta statsobligationer. Det spår Danske Banks chefsstrateg Frank Øland i ett marknadsbrev.

Øland lägger fram totalt tio spaningar inför nästa år där han också tror att företagens vinsttillväxt planar ut.

Han siar också att investeringar i så kallade ESG-bolag och hållbarhet blir ”mainstream” 2022. Det kommer också vara ett starkt år för lyxmarknaden.

”Efter två år i pandemins skugga är konsumenterna villiga att betala för lyx. Det handlar inte om materiell lyx utan ultimata semesterupplevelser, lyxhotell och restauranger i världsklass”, skriver Øland.

There is no alternative
Wikipedia (en)
"There is no alternative" (TINA) was a slogan often used by the Conservative British prime minister Margaret Thatcher.The phrase was used to signify Thatcher's claim that the market economy is the best, right and only system that works, and that debate about this is over. One critic characterized the meaning of the slogan as: "Globalised capitalism, so called free markets and free trade were the best ways to build wealth, distribute services and grow a society's economy. Deregulation's good, if not God." By contrast, Thatcher described her support of markets as flowing from a more basic moral argument; specifically, she argued that the market-principle of choice flows from the moral principle that for human behavior to be moral requires free choice by people.Historically, the phrase may be traced to its emphatic use by the 19th-century classical liberal thinker Herbert Spencer in his Social Statics. Opponents of the principle used it in a derisory manner. For instance, cabinet minister Norman St John-Stevas, one of the leading "wets", nicknamed Thatcher "Tina", after the acronym TINA. The critic of globalization Susan George coined the opposing slogan "another world is possible" in 2001.Angela Merkel's use of the term alternativlos (literally "alternative-less"; without alternative) in relation to her responses to the European sovereign-debt crisis in 2010 led to the term becoming Inappropriate word of the year.In 2013, Prime Minister David Cameron resurrected the phrase, stating "If there was another way I would take it. But there is no alternative"—referring to austerity in the United Kingdom.Labour leader Keir Starmer invoked the phrase to call for the slaughter of Geronimo the alpaca in a 2021 interview with ITV News, stating "there is no alternative" to his death.

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