MonOyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai applåderar under en presskonferens på fredagskvällen, svensk tid. (Ng Han Guan / AP)

Styrande partiet behåller makten i Mongoliet

Mongoliets premiärminister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai utropar sig själv till segrare i landets parlamentsval efter att 99 procent av rösterna räknats. Det skriver AP.

Det styrande socialdemokratiska Mongoliska Folkpartiet ser ut att vinna upp emot 70 av de 126 platserna i parlamentet.

Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai tackar sina väljare, men också de som röstade på andra partier.

– Att vi har olika och kontrasterande åsikter är essensen av demokrati. Er kritik kommer att speglas i våra handlingar, säger han enligt nyhetsbyrån.

Det största oppositionspartiet Demokraterna fick 40 platser. Det innebär en ökning från 2020 men långt ifrån den valseger många väljare hoppats på.

35-åriga Shijir Batchuluun, som röstade på Demokraterna, säger att han är besviken och beskriver valet som en seger för populismen.

– Det är samma historia som vanligt. Sångare, brottare och affärsmän vann.

Mongoliska folkpartiet
Wikipedia (en)
The Mongolian People's Party (MPP) is a social democratic political party in Mongolia. It was founded as a communist party in 1920 by Mongolian revolutionaries and is the oldest political party in Mongolia. The party played an important role in the Mongolian Revolution of 1921, which was inspired by the Bolsheviks' October Revolution. The revolutionaries' victory resulted in the establishment of the socialist Mongolian People's Republic and the party becoming the sole ruling party of the country. The party changed its name to the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) and joined the Communist International in 1924. As the MPRP, the party was organized on the basis of democratic centralism, a principle conceived by Vladimir Lenin which entails democratic and open discussion on policy on the condition of unity in upholding the agreed upon policies. The highest body of the party was the Party Congress, convened every fifth year. When the Party Congress was not in session, the Central Committee was the highest body, but since they met normally only once a year, most duties and responsibilities are vested in the Politburo and its Standing Committee. The party's leader has been titled General Secretary, Chairman, Secretary, and First Secretary. The party previously followed Marxism-Leninism, a synthesis of the ideas of Karl Marx and Lenin introduced by Joseph Stalin in 1929, under which the industries of Mongolia were nationalized and a planned economy was implemented. Following the Mongolian Revolution of 1990, other political parties in Mongolia were legalised and the country transitioned into a multi-party democracy. The party subsequently abandoned Marxism–Leninism in favour of democratic socialism. In 2010, party members voted to adopt social democracy as the party's ideology and restore the party's original name, dropping the word "revolutionary". This caused a faction to split away and form a new party to retain the long-standing name; the two parties reunited in 2021. The party remained as Mongolia's governing party after the 1990 revolution, until it was defeated in the 1996 election. From 2004 to 2008, it was a part of a coalition government with the Democratic Party and Motherland Party. From 2008 to 2012, the party participated in another coalition with the Democratic Party, although it had a majority in the Mongolian legislature. It became the main opposition party after the 2012 election. The party returned to power following the 2016 election and retained its majority in the 2020 election.

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