”Sverige bör införa fler antisemitism-definitioner”
Sverige bör introducera ytterligare definitioner av vad antisemitism är. Det skriver Ulf Bjereld och Thomas Hammarberg från Socialdemokrater för tro och frihet på DN Debatt.
Detta med anledning av att regeringen ställer sig bakom International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances definitioner av antisemitism. Vissa av dessa definitioner väcker frågor menar Bjereld och Hammarberg.
”En sådan handlar om kritik mot israeliska myndigheter, till exempel i fråga om ockupationspolitiken. Sådan kritik kan förstås inte i sig betecknas som antisemitisk.”
De menar att Sverige på eget bevåg bör introducera definitioner och listar fem viktiga punkter.
Om debattörerna
Ulf Bjereld och Thomas Hammarberg från S-förbundet Socialdemokrater för tro och solidaritet
Läs också
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
Wikipedia (en)
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (until January 2013, known as the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research or ITF) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1998 which unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance worldwide and to uphold the commitments of the Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust. The IHRA has 34 member countries, one liaison country and eight observer countries.The organization was founded by former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson in 1998. From 26–28 January 2000 the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust was held, bringing together high-ranking political leaders and officials from more than forty countries to meet with civic and religious leaders, survivors, educators, and historians. Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel served as the Forum's honorary Chairman and Professor Yehuda Bauer was the senior Academic Advisor to the forum.The IHRA carries out internal projects, seeks to influence public-policy making on Holocaust-related issues and develops research focusing on lesser known aspects of the Holocaust.
IHRA adopted the Working Definition of Antisemitism at a plenary session in 2016. On 1 June 2017, the European Parliament voted to adopt a resolution calling on European Union member states and their institutions to adopt and apply the definition. The non-legally binding working definition includes illustrative examples of antisemitism to guide the IHRA in its work. These examples include classical antisemitic tropes, Holocaust denial and attempts to apply a double standard to the State of Israel. Although internationally recognised by many groups, the working definition of antisemitism has been criticised by some as too broad, and conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism.
Socialdemokrater för tro och solidaritet
Wikipedia (sv)
Socialdemokrater för tro och solidaritet (STS), före 2011 Broderskapsrörelsen, är en svensk politisk sidoorganisation inom socialdemokraterna, som ursprungligen organiserade protestantiska kristna socialdemokrater, men sedan 2011 troende inom olika religioner.
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