SVT försvarar visning av Putinvänlig dokumentär
I går hade dokumentärserien ”Putin enligt Oliver Stone” premiär i SVT. Den har kritiserats för att låta Vladimir Putin lägga ut texten samtidigt som regissören Oliver Store inte anses ställa tillräkligt hårda motfrågor. Kulturnytts recensent Fredrik Wadström, som bevakat Ryssland i över 20 år, skriver att felaktiga påståenden förblir oemotsagda och att avgörande information utelämnas.
Axel Arnö, projektledare på SVT Dokumentär säger till SR att man får ta programmet ”för vad det är”.
– SVT ska bilda en mångfacetterad bild av världens händelser, och det tycker jag att vi bidrar till med den här filmen.
Oliver Stone
Wikipedia (en)
William Oliver Stone (born September 15, 1946) is an American screenwriter, film director, and producer. Stone won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay as writer of Midnight Express (1978). He also wrote the acclaimed gangster movie Scarface (1983). As a director, Stone achieved prominence as director/writer of the war drama Platoon (1986), for which Stone won the Academy Award for Best Director; the film was awarded Best Picture. Platoon was the first in a trilogy of films based on the Vietnam War, in which Stone served as an infantry soldier. He continued the series with Born on the Fourth of July (1989)—for which Stone won his second Best Director Oscar—and Heaven & Earth (1993). Stone's other notable works include the Salvadoran Civil War-based drama Salvador (1986); the financial drama Wall Street (1987) and its 2010 sequel Money Never Sleeps; the Jim Morrison biopic The Doors (1991); and a trilogy of films based on the American Presidency—JFK (1991), Nixon (1995) and W. (2008). His latest film is Snowden (2016).
Many of Stone's films focus on controversial American political issues during the late 20th century, and as such were considered contentious at the times of their releases. They often combine different camera and film formats within a single scene, as evidenced in JFK, Natural Born Killers, and Nixon.
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