Salem al-Meslet, talesman för det oppositionella paraplyorganet Högsta förhandlingsrådet. (Salvatore Di Nolfi / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Syrisk opposition redo för direkta samtal i Genève

Syriens största oppositionsgrupp vill förhandla direkt med representanter för president Bashar al-Assads regim när nya fredssamtal inleds i Genève i dag, rapporterar AFP.

– Det skulle spara tid och visa att det är på allvar, i stället för att förhandla i (separata) rum, säger Salem al-Meslet, som är talesman för det oppositionella paraplyorganet Högsta förhandlingsrådet.

Vid de tre tidigare fredssamtalen i Genève i fjol möttes inte parterna runt samma bord. I stället fick FN:s sändebud till Syrien, Staffan de Mistura, agera budbärare mellan dem. Han förväntar sig inget genombrott i samtalen, men det är starten på en rad förhandlingsrundor som syftar till att nå en politisk överenskommelse.

– Vi har inga överdrivna förväntningar, ärligt talat, sade de Mistura på en presskonferens.

Den syriska fredsprocessen
Wikipedia (en)
The Syrian peace process is the ensemble of initiatives and plans to resolve the Syrian Civil War, which has ravaged in Syria since 2011 and has spilled beyond its borders. The peace process has been moderated by the Arab League, the UN Special Envoy on Syria, Russia, and Western Powers. The negotiating parties to end the conflict are typically representatives of the Syrian Ba'athist government and Syrian Opposition, while the Western-backed Kurdish forces have stayed out of the negotiations framework. Radical Salafist forces and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have not engaged in any contacts on peaceful resolution to the conflict. The attempts to find a solution to the conflict began in late 2011, when the Arab League launched two initiatives, but without much success. Russia in January 2012 and in November 2013 suggested talks in Moscow between the Syrian government and opposition. In March–May 2012, hopes were on a United Nations/Arab League plan coordinated by Kofi Annan. In January and February 2014, the Geneva II Conference on Syria took place, organized by Lakhdar Brahimi, then UN envoy to Syria. On 30 October 2015, further talks started in Vienna involving officials from the US, the EU, Russia, China and various regional actors such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and, for the first time, Iran. Peace talks with rebel leadership continued in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2017. The Kazakh officials are offering Astana as a neutral venue and "a natural home" for peace negotiations on Syria.
Högsta förhandlingsrådet
Wikipedia (en)
The High Negotiations Committee (HNC) is an umbrella body which was created to represent the Syrian opposition in the planned Geneva peace talks in 2016. It is led by Riyad Farid Hijab, who was Prime Minister of Syria from June to August 2012. It is considered to be Syria's main or broadest opposition bloc.
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