Terrormisstänkt nunna invald i parlamentet
En nationalistisk hinduistisk nunna som anklagats för terrorbrott efter bombningen av en moské har valts in i det indiska parlamentet, skriver AFP.
Nunnan Sadhvi Pragya Thakur anklagas för att ha varit inblandad i en attack mot en moské 2008 då sex människor dog och över 100 skadades. Hon satt häktad för misstankarna i nio år men släpptes mot borgen 2017 och inväntar fortfarande en rättegång.
Men trots det kunde hon ställa upp som kandidat för premiärminister Narendra Modis parti BJP och vann 62 procent av rösterna i staden Bhopal. Modi har stöttat hennes kandidatur men tvingades gå ut och kritisera henne offentligt efter att hon uttalat sig om att Mahatma Gandhis mördare var en ”patriot”.
Mordet på Mahatma Gandhi
Wikipedia (en)
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 in the compound of Birla House (now Gandhi Smriti), a large mansion. His assassin was Nathuram Vinayak Godse, advocate of hindu nationalism, a member of the political party the Hindu Mahasabha, and a past member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which he left in 1940 to form an armed organization. Godse had planned the assassination.Gandhi had just walked up the low steps to the raised lawn behind Birla House where he conducted his multi-faith prayer meetings every evening. Godse stepped out from the crowd flanking the path leading to the dais and into Gandhi's path, firing three bullets at point-blank range. Gandhi instantly fell to the ground. Gandhi was carried back to his room in Birla House from where a representative emerged some time later to announce that he had died.
The Gandhi murder trial opened in May 1948 in Delhi's historic Red Fort, with Godse the main defendant, and his collaborator Narayan Apte and six others as the co-defendants. According to Markovits (2004), Godse tried to ...use the courtroom as a political forum by reading a long declaration in which he attempted to justify his crime. He accused Gandhi of complacency towards Muslims, blamed him for the sufferings of Partition, and generally criticized his subjectivism and pretension to a monopoly of the truth." According to J. Edward Mallot (2012), Godse blamed Gandhi for continuing to appease Muslims in such a manner "that my blood boiled and I could tolerate him no longer."The trial was rushed through, the haste sometimes attributed to the home minister Vallabhbhai Patel's desire "to avoid scrutiny for the failure to prevent the assassination." The trial was public, but the statement that Nathuram Godse gave during the trial on why he killed Gandhi was immediately banned by the Indian government. Godse and Apte were sentenced to death on 8 November 1949. They were hanged in the Ambala jail on 15 November 1949.
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