Thailands ex-ledare kommer åtalas för majestätsbrott
Thailands förre premiärminister Thaksin Shinawatra kommer att åtalas för att ha förolämpat kungahuset – så kallat majestätsbrott, rapporterar flera medier.
Thaksin anklagades för att ha förtalat kungahuset redan 2015, i samband med en intervju i sydkoreanska tidningen Chosun Ilbo, skriver CNN. Thaksin har nekat till anklagelserna.
– Han är redo att bevisa sin oskuld i rättssystemet, säger hans advokat Winyat Chatmontree.
74-årige Thaksin var premiärminister från 2001 till 2006, när han tvingades avgå efter en militärkupp. Efter 15 år i exil återvände han till sitt hemland 2023 och greps omgående.
Thaksin Shinawatra
Wikipedia (en)
Thaksin Shinawatra (born 26 July 1949) is a Thai businessman and politician. He served in the Thai Police from 1973 to 1987, and was the Prime Minister of Thailand from 2001 to 2006.
Thaksin founded the mobile phone operator Advanced Info Service and the IT and telecommunications conglomerate Shin Corporation in 1987, ultimately making him one of the richest people in Thailand. He founded the Thai Rak Thai Party (TRT) in 1998 and, after a landslide electoral victory, became prime minister in 2001. He was the first democratically elected prime minister of Thailand to serve a full term and was re-elected in 2005 by an overwhelming majority.
Thaksin declared a "war on drugs" in which more than 2,500 people were killed. Thaksin's government launched programs to reduce poverty, expand infrastructure, promote small and medium-sized enterprises, and extend universal healthcare coverage. Thaksin took a strong-arm approach against the separatist insurgency in the Muslim southern provinces.
His decision to sell shares in his corporation for more than a billion tax-free dollars generated controversy. A citizens' movement against Thaksin, called People's Alliance for Democracy or "Yellow Shirts", launched mass protests, accusing him of corruption, abuse of power, and autocratic tendencies. In 2006 Thaksin called snap elections that were boycotted by the opposition and invalidated by the Constitutional Court.
Thaksin was deposed in a military coup on 19 September 2006. His party was outlawed and he was barred from political activity. Thaksin lived in self-imposed exile for 15 years—except for a brief visit to Thailand in 2008—before returning to Thailand in August 2023. During his exile he was sentenced in absentia to two years in jail for abuse of power, and stripped of his Police Rank of Police Lieutenant Colonel.
From abroad, he continued to influence Thai politics through the People's Power Party that ruled in 2008 and its successor organisation Pheu Thai Party, as well as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship or "Red Shirt" movement. His younger sister Yingluck Shinawatra was the prime minister of Thailand from 2011 to 2014.
Later in exile, Thaksin registered a Clubhouse account under the name Tony Woodsome, which became his moniker, and frequently held activities on the platform. He also made several announcements expressing his desire to return to Thailand on various social media platforms. Ultimately, Thaksin returned to Thailand on 22 August 2023, and was promptly taken into custody.
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