”The Expendables” har flest nomineringar till årets sämsta film
”The Expendables 4” har flest nomineringar inför Golden Raspberry Awards, som utser årets sämsta filmer, skriver Hollywood Reporter. Förutom årets sämsta film och årets sämsta birollsskådespelare för Sylvester Stallones insats, har filmen chans på ytterligare fem utmärkelser.
”The Exorcist: Believer” har fem nomineringar, lika många som ”Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” – en bloddrypande rulle som blivit möjlig efter att upphovsrätten till Nalle Puh nyligen löpte ut.
Razzie-galan hålls 9 mars, dagen innan Oscarsgalan.
Golden Raspberry Awards
Wikipedia (en)
The Golden Raspberry Awards (also known as the Razzies and Razzie Awards) is a parody award show honoring the worst of cinematic "failures". Co-founded by UCLA film graduates and film industry veterans John J. B. Wilson and Mo Murphy, the Razzie Awards' satirical annual ceremony is preceded by its opposite, the Academy Awards, by four decades. The term raspberry is used in its irreverent sense, as in "blowing a raspberry". The statuette itself is a golf ball-sized raspberry atop a Super 8mm film reel atop a 35-millimeter film core with brown wood shelf paper glued and wrapped around it—sitting atop a jar lid spray-painted gold, with an estimated street value of $4.97. The Golden Raspberry Foundation has claimed that the award "encourages well-known filmmakers and top-notch performers to own their bad."
The first Golden Raspberry Awards ceremony was held on March 31, 1981, in John J. B. Wilson's living-room alcove in Hollywood, to honor the perceived worst films of the 1980 film season. To date, Sylvester Stallone is the most awarded actor ever with 10 awards.
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