Arkivbild från huvudstaden Bangui. (Jerome Delay / TT / NTB Scanpix)

Tidigare premiärminister blir ny president i CAR

Den tidigare premiärministern och matteläraren Faustin-Archange Touadera har vunnit valet i Centralafrikanska republiken. Han fick knappt 63 procent av rösterna mot 37 procent för den före detta bankmannen Anicet-Georges Dologuélé.
– För fredens skull, väljer jag att respektera det preliminära valresultatet, sa Dologuélé.
Båda kandidaterna hade gått till val på att återställa säkerheten i landet som plågas av sekteristiskt våld.
Sedan statskuppen 2013 har en tiondel av befolkningen drivits på flykt.

Centralafrikanska republiken, CAR
Wikipedia (sv)
Centralafrikanska republiken (franska: République centrafricaine; sango: Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka) är en republik i centrala Afrika, strax norr om ekvatorn. Landet gränsar till Tchad i norr, Sudan och Sydsudan i nordost, Kongo-Kinshasa och Kongo-Brazzaville i söder och till Kamerun i väst. Landet har en yta på omkring 623 000 km² och har cirka 4,6 miljoner invånare (2012). Huvudstad är Bangui med 568 500 invånare (2010).. Centralafrikanska republiken saknar kust. Landet består mestadels av ett kuperat platåland, med ett flertal floder som översvämmas under regnperioden. Klimatet är ett tropiskt regnskogs- och savannklimat. Det är ett av Afrikas minst utvecklade länder, och hade år 1995 en BNP per invånare på 340 amerikanska dollar. Stora delar av befolkningen är sysselsatt inom jordbruk, som framför allt är självhushållningsjordbruk. Landet var en fransk koloni under namnet Oubangui-Chari fram till 1958, och blev en självständig republik 1960. Överste Jean-Bédel Bokassa tog makten 1966 och utropade sig till kejsare av Centralafrikanska kejsardömet 1976. Det blev åter republik 1979, då Bokassa störtades. Motståndet mot enpartisystemet ledde till att fria val hölls 1993, och Ange-Félix Patassé valdes till president. Under 1990-talet gjorde delar av försvarsmakten flera gånger uppror, och en panafrikansk fredsstyrka sattes in 1997 för att övervaka vapenvilan. Läget har dock fortsatt varit oroligt och explosivt, med ett flertal rebellgrupper som strider inbördes om landets rika naturtillgångar. Många lever på svältgränsen och situationen har beskrivits som den näst största pågående humanitära katastrofen i världen efter den i Somalia.
Konflikten i CAR
Wikipedia (en)
The Central African Republic conflict is an ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic (CAR) between the Séléka rebel coalition and government forces, which began on 10 December 2012. The conflict arose after rebels accused the government of President François Bozizé of failing to abide by peace agreements signed in 2007 and 2011. Many of the rebel groups had been involved in the Central African Republic Bush War. Rebel forces known as Séléka (meaning "union" in the Sango language) captured many major towns in the central and eastern regions of the country at the end of 2012. Séléka comprises two major groups based in north-eastern CAR: the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR) and the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP), but also includes the lesser known Patriotic Convention for Saving the Country (CPSK). Two other groups based in northern CAR, the Democratic Front of the Central African People (FDPC) and the Chadian group Popular Front for Recovery (FPR), also announced their allegiance to the Séléka coalition. Chad, Gabon, Cameroon, Angola, South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of Congo sent troops as part of the Economic Community of Central African States' FOMAC force to help the Bozizé government hold back a potential rebel advance on the capital, Bangui. However, the capital was seized by the rebels on 24 March 2013 at which time President Bozizé fled the country, and the rebel leader Michel Djotodia declared himself president. On 18 April 2013, Djotodia was recognized as the transitional head of government at a regional summit in N'Djamena. On 14 May CAR's PM Nicolas Tiangaye requested a UN peacekeeping force from the UN Security Council and on 31 May former President Bozizé was indicted for crimes against humanity and incitement of genocide. The security situation remained poor during the summer of 2013 with reports of over 200,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), and human rights abuses, including the use of child soldiers, rape, torture, extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances. Renewed fighting in August, between Séléka and Bozizé supporters in anti-balaka militia, prompted French President François Hollande to call on the UN Security Council and the African Union to increase their efforts to stabilize the country. Nonetheless, the conflict worsened. By August the Séléka-run government under Djotodia was said to be increasingly divided. In January 2014, President Djotodia resigned and was replaced by Catherine Samba-Panza, but the conflict continued. In 2014, Amnesty International reported several massacres committed by the anti-balakas against Muslim civilians, forcing thousands of Muslims to flee the country. Other sources report incidents of Muslims being cannibalized. Rebel leader Noureddine Adam has declared the autonomous Republic of Logone on 14 December 2015; a spokesman for the Central African Republic's transitional government has denounced the rebel's declaration. ^ Looting and gunfire in captured CAR capital. Al Jazeera.com (25 March 2013). Retrieved 17 April 2013. ^ 26 villagers killed by militants in Central African Republic. NewsGhana.com.gh (22 November 2015). Retrieved 22 November 2015. ^ Central African rebel leader declares autonomous republic. Reuters (15 December 2015). Retrieved 15 December 2015. ^ "CAR crisis: Meeting the rebel army chief". BBC News. 29 July 2014. ^ ^ a b "Seleka, Central Africa's motley rebel coalition", Radio Netherlands Worldwide ^ a b c "More military help sought by UN to protect CAR civilians". The Africa News.Net. Retrieved 22 February 2014. ^ "Zille warns of 'CAR scandal'". ^ ^ "Estonian troops fly to C.A.R Friday morning". ^ "CAR battle claims another SANDF soldier". Enca (South Africa). ^ a b [1] Radio France Internationale, Hollande discusses DRC presence in CAR with Kabila, 21 May 2014 ^ "CrisisWatch Database". ^ Casey-Maslen, Stuart (2014). The War Report: Armed Conflict in 2013. Oxford University Press. p. 411. ISBN 978-0-19-103764-1. ^ Massacre evidence found in CAR Al Jazeera. 8 November 2013. ^ Larson, Krista. "AP: More than 5,000 dead in C. African Republic". AP Bigstory. Retrieved 25 December 2014. ^ a b c Uppsala Conflict Data Program Conflict Encyclopedia, Central African Republic, In depth: The Seleka Rebellion, viewed 16 May 2013, http://www.ucdp.uu.se/gpdatabase/gpcountry.php?id=31&regionSelect=2-Southern_Africa# ^ "Séléka rebels agree on unconditional talks". CAR govt. 29 December 2012. ^ "Three rebel groups threaten to topple C.African regime". ReliefWeb (AFP). 18 December 2012. Retrieved 31 December 2012. ^ "Centrafrique : Le FDPC d'Abdoulaye Miskine a rejoint la coalition Séléka". Journal de Bangui. Retrieved 2 January 2013. ^ "Le FPR soutient l'UFDR dans son combat contre le Dictateur Bozizé" (Press release). FPR. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 2 January 2013. ^ "Chad sends troops to back CAR army against rebels". AlertNet. Reuters. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 31 December 2012. ^ "Region sends troops to help embattled C. African army". Channel NewsAsia. 2 January 2013. ^ Sayare, Scott (2 January 2013). "Central Africa on the Brink, Rebels Halt Their Advance". The New York Times. ^ "South Africa to send 400 soldiers to CAR". Al Jazeera. 6 January 2013. ^ Polgreen, Lydia (31 December 2012). "Fearing Fighting, Residents Flee Capital of Central African Republic". The New York Times. Retrieved 31 December 2012. ^ Zuma joins regional leaders over crisis in Central African Republic, BDay Live, by Nicholas Kotch , 19 April 2013, 07:50, http://www.bdlive.co.za/africa/africannews/2013/04/19/zuma-joins-regional-leaders-over-crisis-in-central-african-republic ^ ^ "Centrafrique: Michel Djotodia déclare être le nouveau président de la république centrafricaine" (in French). Radio France International. 24 March 2013. Retrieved 24 March 2013. ^ ndjamenapost, 18 April 2013, http://www.ndjamenapost.com/world/item/718-central-african-republic-swears-in-president-michel-djotodia ^ ICG Crisis Watch, http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/crisiswatch/2013/crisiswatch-117.aspx ^ ICG Crisis Watch, http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/crisiswatch/2013/crisiswatch-118.aspx ^ ICG Crisis Watch August, http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/publication-type/crisiswatch/2013/crisiswatch-119.aspx ^ Tran, Mark (14 August 2013). "Central African Republic crisis to be scrutinised by UN security council". The Guardian. ^ "Central African Republic president, PM resign at summit: statement". Reuters. 10 January 2014. Retrieved 2014-01-10. ^ "CAR president Djotodia and PM Tiangaye resign". RFI. ^ ^ "New CAR PM says ending atrocities is priority". ^ "Christian threats force Muslim convoy to turn back in CAR exodus". the Guardian. ^ "France and the Militarization of Central Africa: Thousands of Muslims Fleeing the Central African Republic". Global Research. ^ "Hatred turns into Cannibalism in CAR". Centre for African news. Retrieved 5 December 2014. ^ "Insight – Gold, diamonds feed Central African religious violence". Retrieved 5 December 2014. ^ "Central African rebel leader declares autonomous republic". Retrieved 16 December 2015.

Centralafrikanska republiken

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