Till sist släpps ministern in i Natos hemliga grupp
Försvarsminister Pål Jonson (M) släpps för första gången in i en av Natos hemligaste grupperingar, försvarsalliansens Nuclear planning group, som fattar beslut om hur kärnvapnen ska användas. Det rapporterar DN.
Det är den enda kommitté som Sverige tidigare inte haft tillgång till. Sveriges Natoambassadör Axel Wernhoff betonar för tidningen att gruppen inte är militär.
– Diskussionen om kärnvapen sker i den civila delen. Inte i den militära. Jag tycker att det är värt att poängtera, säger han.
Nato Nuclear Planning Group
Wikipedia (en)
The Nuclear Planning Group was established in December 1966 to allow better communication, consultation and involvement among NATO member nations to deal with matters related to nuclear policy issues. During the period of the Cold War, NATO members recognized the need for incorporation of nuclear weapons as part of their defense strategy. Because of the lack of information sharing caused by restrictive US nuclear information sharing policy, many attempts were made to increase US–NATO communication and information sharing in relation to nuclear weapons such as the amendment of the Atomic Energy Act, the US–NATO Information Agreement, and the proposal of the Multilateral Force (MLF). Eventually, the Nuclear Planning Group was established as a finalized effort to deal with nuclear information sharing issues. There are three main levels to the Nuclear Planning Group. These are the ministerial level of the Nuclear Planning Group, the Permanent Representatives Group, and the Staff Group. In addition, the High-Level Group is a closely related organization that works in an advisory manner with the Nuclear Planning Group. Deliberations upon agenda topics will begin from the Staff Group level and eventually ascend to the ministerial level. The Nuclear Planning Group consists of all NATO members with the exception of France. Overall, the Nuclear Planning Group has created policy guidelines for nuclear-related topics while seeking to minimize the threat of nuclear conflict.
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