Demonstranter i Rom i dag. (Gregorio Borgia / TT NYHETSBYRÅN)

Tiotusentals ”sardiner” protesterade mot Salvini

Tiotusentals människor samlades i Italiens huvudstad Rom i dag för en demonstration mot Italiens tidigare inrikesminister Matteo Salvini, som blivit en förgrundsgestalt i italiensk politik.

Den nystartade rörelsen kallar sig ”sardinerna” och riktar sig mot vad man anser är Salvinis rasistiska och hatfyllda politik.

– Vi kommer inte längre tolerera ett språk som är rasistiskt, fascistiskt, diskriminerande och sexistiskt, säger en av rörelsens företrädare i Rom, Stephen Ogongo, till AFP.

Matteo Salvini
Wikipedia (en)
Matteo Salvini (Italian pronunciation: [matˈtɛːo salˈviːni]; born 9 March 1973) is an Italian politician who served as Deputy Prime Minister of Italy and Minister of the Interior from 1 June 2018 to 5 September 2019. He has also been Federal Secretary of the Northern League since December 2013. He has been a Senator in the Italian Senate since March 2018. He previously served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the constituency of North-West Italy from 2004 to 2018.He has been considered a hardline Eurosceptic politician, holding a starkly critical view of the European Union, especially of the euro. Salvini opposes illegal immigration into Italy and the EU as well as the EU's management of asylum seekers. He is also considered one of the main leaders of the populist wave which shook Europe during the 2010s and a member of the neo-nationalist movement, which has a rightist ideology that emphasizes de-globalization, nativist and protectionist stances.Salvini is nicknamed "The Captain" (Il Capitano) by his supporters. During his time serving as Deputy Prime Minister, many political commentators and newspapers, such as The Guardian, The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Economist and The Huffington Post, characterized him as a strongman and the most influential politician in Italy after the 2017 elections. His political views have been described by British newspapers The Guardian and The Independent as on the far-right.
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