Ramzan Kadyrov med vad som förefaller vara en kulspruta monterad på en cybertruck från Tesla. (AP)

Tjetjeniens diktator monterar kulspruta på cybertruck – hyllar Musk

Tjetjeniens diktator Ramzan Kadyrov har bjudit in Elon Musk till den ryska delrepubliken, rapporterar AP. Kadyrov påstår sig ha ”fått” en cybertruck av Teslaägaren.

I ett inlägg på Telegram skriver Kadyrov att bilen ”tveklöst är världens bästa” och att han planerar att skicka den till fronten. I ett videoklipp som den tjetjenske krigsherren delat syns bilen med vad som förefaller vara en kulspruta monterad på taket.

Kadyrov befinner sig under omfattande internationella sanktioner till följd av en lång rad misstänkta brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. Hans uppgifter om att ha ”fått” en bil har inte verifierats. Elon Musk och Tesla har inte kommenterat uttalandena.

Ramzan Kadyrov
Wikipedia (en)
Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (born 5 October 1976) is a Russian politician and current Head of the Chechen Republic. He was formerly affiliated with the Chechen independence movement, through his father who was the separatist-appointed mufti of Chechnya. He is a colonel general in the Russian military. Kadyrov is the son of former Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, who switched sides in the Second Chechen War by offering his service to Vladimir Putin's administration in Russia and became Chechen president in 2003. Akhmad Kadyrov was assassinated in May 2004. In February 2007, Ramzan Kadyrov replaced Alu Alkhanov as president, shortly after he had turned 30, which is the minimum age for the post. He was engaged in violent power struggles with Chechen commanders Sulim Yamadayev (d. 2009) and Said-Magomed Kakiyev for overall military authority, and with Alkhanov for political authority. Since November 2015, he has been a member of the Advisory Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation. Kadyrov frequently employs totalitarian and repressive tactics in his rule of the Chechen Republic. Over the years, he has come under criticism from international organizations for a wide array of human rights abuses under his government, with Human Rights Watch calling the forced disappearances and torture so widespread that they constituted crimes against humanity. During his tenure, he has advocated restricting the public lives of women, and led anti-gay purges in the Republic. Kadyrov has been frequently accused of involvement in the kidnapping, assassination, and torture of human rights activists, critics, and their relatives, within both Chechnya and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as abroad, through the political use of police and military forces. He publicly denies these accusations. Kadyrov has adopted a hypermasculine image in public, frequently posing with guns and military garb or displaying his wealth and opulence. The Kadyrov family has enriched itself considerably during its rule of the Chechen Republic; the Russian Federation dispenses extensive funding to the Chechen government, while the distinction between the Chechen government and Kadyrov is blurry.

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