Travis Scott. (Amy Harris / AP)

Travis Scott kommer inte åtalas för Astroworld

Den amerikanske rapparen Travis Scott kommer inte att åtalas för tragedin på hans egna festival Astroworld i Houston 2021, när tio människor klämdes till döds. Det beslutade en jury i Texas i går, skriver Variety.

Scott och arrangörerna Live Nation och ScoreMore kan dock tvingas betala skadestånd på miljarder dollar till de hundratals konsertbesökare och anhöriga som stämt aktörerna efter olyckan.

Det var i november 2021 som kaos utbröt under rapparens spelning på festivalen. Scott kritiserades för att inte ha avbrutit spelningen i tid.

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Olyckan på Astroworld
Wikipedia (en)
On November 5, 2021, a fatal crowd crush occurred during the first night of the 2021 Astroworld Festival, a music event founded by American rapper Travis Scott that was held at NRG Park in Houston, Texas. Eight people died on the night of the concert, and two more died in the hospital over the following days. The cause of death for all ten was ruled to be accidental compressive asphyxiation, with one of the ten affected by the additional influence of a toxic combination of drugs and alcohol. Twenty-five people were hospitalized, and more than 300 people were treated for injuries at the festival's field hospital. Multiple concertgoers documented the incident, posting videos and recounting their experiences on social media.
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