Donald Trump. (José Luis Villegas / AP)

Trump kallad att vittna om 6 januari-stormningen

USA:s förre president Donald Trump kallades på fredagen att vittna inför representanthusets särskilda kommitté som utreder stormningen av Kapitolium, skriver kommittén i ett pressmeddelande.

Senast den 4 november ska Trump lämna in en rad dokument, och den 14 november ska han avlägga ett videofilmat vittnesmål bakom stängda dörrar som senare kan komma att offentliggöras.

”Vi har överväldigande bevis, inklusive från tiotals av dina tidigare medarbetare, för att du personligen orkestrerade [...] ett försök att omkullkasta presidentvalet 2020 och hindra fredlig maktöverföring”, skriver kommittén i ett brev till Trump.

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Fler perspektiv på kommitténs besked

Genom ett experiment i samarbete med Improve The News erbjuder Omni ytterligare fakta och perspektiv på ett urval av nyheter om amerikansk politik och mellanårsvalet 2022.

Pro-Trump narrative

This unethical "committee" will continue to backfire on Democrats as the November midterms approach. With a Republican majority set to take over the House and many committee members likely to lose their seats, this political theater will likely be dissolved. Trump has little reason to be concerned whatsoever.

Democratic narrative

Despite losing the 2020 election by millions of votes, Trump decided to become the first president in history not to peacefully hand over the reins of power. His traitorous actions alone justify the subpoena, and centuries of historical precedent mean he must oblige the committee's legal demand and testify before Congress. This announcement is a major step on the road to accountability.

Nerd narrative

There's a 35% chance that any US court will rule that Donald J. Trump is disqualified from holding the presidency before January 20, 2025, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

Source: Metaculus


  • The US House Jan. 6 committee on Friday subpoenaed former Pres. Trump, alleging he "personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi-part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power.”
  • The subpoena demands Trump provide documents by Nov. 4, and appear under oath either in-person or virtually for “one or more days of deposition testimony beginning on or about November 14.”
  • There is the possibility Trump fights the subpoena legally, though committee co-chairs Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) argue they have the precedent of multiple former presidents both testifying before and providing documents to congressional committees.
  • The specific documents being requested include communications records between Trump and his allies — including Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn.
  • The subpoena comes on the same day Bannon was sentenced to prison for contempt of Congress. Should Trump defy his order, it's unknown whether the Dept. of Justice would press charges.
  • The timeframe of potential legal battles is important, as a new Congress will be elected in November and, if the House becomes majority-Republican in January, the Jan. 6 committee could very well be disbanded.

Sources: Daily Wire, CNN, washingtonexaminer, CNBC, Guardian

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