Suleyman Soylu på gågatan Istiklal i Istanbul. (Khalil Hamra / AP)

Turkisk minister antyder att USA var delaktigt i dåd

När Turkiets inrikesminister Suleyman Soylu besökte gatan i Istanbul där en bomb briserade under söndagen avfärdade han USA:s kondoleanser och antydde att landet var inblandat i dådet, rapporterar New York Times.

– Mördaren är alltid bland de första att återvända till brottsplatsen, sa Soylu och syftade på USA.

Den turkiska regimen har pekat ut PKK som misstänkta för dådet, något som PKK har avfärdat. Även den kurdiska militäralliansen Syriska demokratiska styrkorna (SDF) har avfärdat sin misstänkta inblandning. SDF är en allierad till USA och är anslutna till YPG.

– Våra styrkor hade ingenting med det att göra, säger SDF:s överbefälhavare enligt AFP.

Syriska demokratiska styrkorna
Wikipedia (en)
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is the official defence force of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). An alliance of forces formed during the Syrian civil war composed primarily of Kurdish, Arab, and Assyrian/Syriac, as well as some smaller Armenian, Turkmen and Chechen forces. It is militarily led by the People's Protection Units (YPG), a Kurdish military force, and also includes several ethnic militias, as well as elements of the Syrian opposition's Free Syrian Army. Founded in October 2015, the SDF states its mission as fighting to create a secular, democratic and federalised Syria. According to Turkey, the Syrian Democratic Forces has direct links to the PKK.The primary opponents of the SDF are the various Islamist and Arab nationalist forces supported by Turkey, involved in the civil war, in particular the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Syrian National Army (TFSA), al-Qaeda affiliates, the Turkish Armed Forces, and their allies. The SDF has focused primarily on the Islamic State, successfully driving them from important strategic areas, such as Al-Hawl, Shaddadi, Tishrin Dam, Manbij, al-Tabqah, Tabqa Dam, Baath Dam, and ISIL's former capital of Raqqa. In March 2019, the SDF announced the total territorial defeat of the Islamic State in Syria, with the SDF taking control of the last stronghold in Baghuz.Since the territorial defeat of the Islamic State, the SDF has increasingly been involved with resisting the growing Turkish occupation of northern Syria.

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